first attempt 2x3x5 tent 400w


Well-Known Member
Actually for two plants lol. I didn't end up using quite that much. A little runoff but i think that was just through the side of my 5 gallon smart pots as they are just fabric. Leaks when u pour near the sides.


Well-Known Member
2 much isnt an issue really............... its 2 often where people go sure youre good what are those 2 or 3 gallon pots?


Well-Known Member
So i didn't really measure out ur recipe but i eyeballed it pretty good i thought. The girls seem to be happy so far so i guess i didn't give them too much.


Well-Known Member
It's seems that way. Hard to tell. The new leaves are still a little yellow on the tips but i think they look pretty healthy.


Well-Known Member
image.jpgimage.jpgThis one is blue mammoth. She still hasn't even showed sex but as she is an auto and probably will not yield a large amount I figure I will just let her veg as long as she wants or until la diva is all the way done. After that I will give her a short dark period to try and induce flowering. I know I shouldn't have to do this because its auto flower but I am kind of looking at his as a blessing because my smoke should be staggered now. This is good for me because the more I have the faster it will get smoked. Lol I'm sure that's how we all are. It's slightly frustrating to not see flowers on both girls but I am just going to take this as a blessing. Plus maybe she will get much larger than expected with this extended veg time. Any thoughts? Comments?p.s. woody, thanks for the nute advice. The girls loved it!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'll have to look. I think i have ff guano. The bone meal I'm not sure but i know it's not Miracle grow. Somethin else. I bought it at the garden center