got cought growing

how long till i can grow again ??? been bout month since i got caught with 5 nd they give me a warning for first time ever offense because they were looking for some one and i answered the Dore when i let my guard down they were looking for runaway nd had warrant to look for missing/runaway child so the lights were on and i couldn't do nothing so i told them i was growing it was armature setup .
how long till i can grow again ??? been bout month since i got caught with 5 nd they give me a warning for first time ever offense because they were looking for some one and i answered the Dore when i let my guard down they were looking for runaway nd had warrant to look for missing/runaway child so the lights were on and i couldn't do nothing so i told them i was growing it was armature setup .

What evidence and/or what made them believe that a runaway was in your home? Did you actually see the warrant? I think that unless you moved, it would be pretty f'n stupid to grow in the same location you just got busted in...
a lad was known to come to my house and he hit his dad and ran away from foster careers which led them to believe he might be at my house
Gotta agree with doniboy ... growing in the same locale you got busted in isn't one of the best ideas... at least not for a couple of years.
It's only been 5 months.... If that kid runs away again, where might they look? You already know it's a bad idea and were hoping that someone would tell you it's okay.....
how long till i can grow again ??? been bout month since i got caught with 5 nd they give me a warning for first time ever offense because they were looking for some one and i answered the Dore when i let my guard down they were looking for runaway nd had warrant to look for missing/runaway child so the lights were on and i couldn't do nothing so i told them i was growing it was armature setup .

You NEVER answer door, get friends to text/phone you first before they come, even if you have a light on at night when cops come just remember that it it them who says to keep a light on when you are out as a deterrent to burglars.
i think its under 10 for personal use and if they have reason to believe you have intent to supply then jail Ive been told if i do it again ill get taking to caught and fined or community service
What's the plenty for growing in the UK? In the US it's a felony meaning your facing serious time and a lose of a lot of rights even after you've done your time. If they look found all that and all you got was a warning, Im moving to the UK.

hehe yea it seems to be either way "over there" Im in Denmark/scandinavia, just saw a guy on telli the other day, on one of the Cop`s programs

getting busted for use of illegal fireworks, hugh fire crackers left over from new year he was trowing out from his balcony near a play ground, stupid moron


and they of course wanted to look in his apartment for more, and could since they had evidence he just used illegal fireworks

and what do they find, yes 3 small plants, looking pretty poor (as I said he was a moron)

but Cop`s did of course take em and all the seed`s he had (seed`s are legal, unless you get busted growing, then they take em away from you)

but point is, they just left with the plant`s and a warning for the moron, and told him he could look forward to a fine, like 200$ for the firecrackers and 400$ for the plant`s
What's the plenty for growing in the UK? In the US it's a felony meaning your facing serious time and a lose of a lot of rights even after you've done your time. If they look found all that and all you got was a warning, Im moving to the UK.

Depends on state laws, federally they are not enforced in most local state jurisdictions, in my state its been decriminalized, and in 2014 its on ballot for legalization for recreational use over 21 years of age for up to 3-5 plants, or 2.5 oz personal use cultivated. Here if you got caught with those plants you would face a fine, not a felony... I guess you live in state that has not decriminalized or legalized?

The state has decriminalized marijuana to some degree. Typically, decriminalization means no prison time or criminal record for first-time possession of a small amount for personal consumption. The conduct is treated like a minor traffic violation"

1lb - 20lbs can be a felony and 5-10,000 fine where I live, but its going to be the same if you flower 1lb after legalization anyway, as it exceeds maximum amount, I don't know how much those plants would account for in weight though tbh.

I suppose if your growing more then personal use, it would be treated a bitt different then a decriminalized possession.