Specific Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Where is everyone? I feel like a loser, posting all by myself. I'm destroying two cobbs of plump, hot, buttered and salted corn, when I look up and see that I splashed shit all over my monitor, desk, walls, my cat....


Well-Known Member
was moving the soil from my car back to the greenhouse today when i saw a total fucking hottie jogging down the street, but i had just missed seeing her best parts and she was on the other side of the street.

walked back the soil and went back to get my pup when she comes jogging back down the road, on my side of the street. awesome, i thought.

it got better. much better.

she got just past me when she decided she needed to tie her shoe. not only did she do a perfect bend over to tie her shoe, she even angled herself about 45 degrees to give me a perfect, straight on view with her short shorts nearly exposing her labia. the outline of them was perfectly clear and she was only about 25 feet away.

i sat there and gawked for a while and decided to avert my eyes at the perfect time, just as she was getting up again.

that kind of thing doesn't happen every day or even every year.

i'll be keeping my eye out for her from now on.
haha that's pretty cool. Must have been your dark and handsome good looks:lol:


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
was moving the soil from my car back to the greenhouse today when i saw a total fucking hottie jogging down the street, but i had just missed seeing her best parts and she was on the other side of the street.

walked back the soil and went back to get my pup when she comes jogging back down the road, on my side of the street. awesome, i thought.

it got better. much better.

she got just past me when she decided she needed to tie her shoe. not only did she do a perfect bend over to tie her shoe, she even angled herself about 45 degrees to give me a perfect, straight on view with her short shorts nearly exposing her labia. the outline of them was perfectly clear and she was only about 25 feet away.

i sat there and gawked for a while and decided to avert my eyes at the perfect time, just as she was getting up again.

that kind of thing doesn't happen every day or even every year.

i'll be keeping my eye out for her from now on.
I know I should not do this. I know this could end with me purchasing a treadmill but I can not help myself. I am carefully aiming at my foot...............

Your wife isn't home a lot is she? They are called PORN MAGAZINES, buy some, get in touch with yourself, and you won't look like scary staring dude anymore.

Really sometimes we simply need to tie our shoes and well 'nuff said.


Well-Known Member
I have to admit that I'm still a complete and utterly useless noob when it comes to growing and feel as though I'm living a huge lie when I converse with you guys, I do wish to thank all of you for noticing and not pointing out the fact that a 1st grader is sitting in with PhD's.

Pics of my current thesis ;)



Ursus marijanus
Where is everyone? I feel like a loser, posting all by myself. I'm destroying two cobbs of plump, hot, buttered and salted corn, when I look up and see that I splashed shit all over my monitor, desk, walls, my cat....
Frantically checking our shoelaces! cn


Ursus marijanus
I know I should not do this. I know this could end with me purchasing a treadmill but I can not help myself. I am carefully aiming at my foot...............

Your wife isn't home a lot is she? They are called PORN MAGAZINES, buy some, get in touch with yourself, and you won't look like scary staring dude anymore.

Really sometimes we simply need to tie our shoes and well 'nuff said.
They have something even better now ... sound and motion! cn



Well-Known Member
Mojo, they look great. If it makes you happy and provides the elevation you need then its good enough. I have a friend that bags on me because I grew white widow. I like it and thats all that matters to me.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I think she was just wanting to show Bucky her hot body.
I think she was tightening her shoes in a, "Feet don't fail me now!" moment. But I do not have enough information to be sure. UB we need a dirty gardening picture and then I'll know for sure.

But when I think dirty gardening guy I think this and this is tighten those laces and RUN FORREST RUN!

Only UB can fill in the missing data to clear this confusion up. Hurry up UB I wanna know if she was checking you out or getting ready to go warp speed in her shoes. Give us your dirty gardener boy pic ;D

match box

Well-Known Member
I just picked up a Taylor acoustic guitar. I haven't played for a couple of years. I will have the time and the place to play with out any one complaining. I just turned on the TV and Blazing Saddles is on. This is a funny movie.


New Member
I just picked up a Taylor acoustic guitar. I haven't played for a couple of years. I will have the time and the place to play with out any one complaining. I just turned on the TV and Blazing Saddles is on. This is a funny movie.

one of the best movies of all time

so many great lines