budolskie's breeders boutique perpetual


Well-Known Member
well a couple pics the veg and my sweet n sour seedling that is fem the other 3 in bin were males...........

1st is the dippy ellsy
2nd the pyscho killer
3rd and 4th the sweet n sour
5th 6th and 7th and my dog cuts about a week just over they been in the prop (im hoping on at least 5 being rooted and a nice size to go in my flower tent about the 7th next month)
8th is my 5 reg breeders boutique seedling just planted yesterday no germ! 2 in black pots are scout sniper 1 in middle is a cherry cheese and 2 on right are smelly berry


Well-Known Member
It smells nice like not fuelly a wouldn't say, a hope its like me last 1 that I never got to try haha the bastards that was me best aswell a cant wait till av got a few cuts off her probs be a couple runs yet like got the dogs then be the dippy Ellsy and pyscho killer again before the sweet n sour haha


Well-Known Member
well couple pics of the blue and pyscho killer due down in about 2 weeks I was hoping they would have a lot more on them like but I think I will have to be happy with 5 oz dry of the full im unsure of even achieving that much haha...... so heres the pics I have no return button on this shitty pc ............................................. 1st 4 pics are my 2 blueberry day 44 since being put into the 12/12 and next 2 pics are tester I have took off the blue................................................ next 2 pics the pyscho killer and last 2 a tester off the pyscho killer.... will now take get pics of next 3 on flower while I feed them be back in a bit with next 3 plants



Well-Known Member
and finally the 3 that went in last weekend.... well 2 I forgot to get pic of my other p killer but heres 1 of them and the topd blue.... I think topping them is the way forward as I was hoping a lot more of them 3 that's due down soon...... I think I left to many branches on them and they have stretched a wee bit also them last 2 pics is that burn off my light you guys recon



Well-Known Member
Looking great budolskie.

How come you didn't get chance to try that sweet and sour last time?

The bastards??? Hot fuzz have you?



Well-Known Member
Ii the cunts bout a week to go smelt it out side a sweet in sour, smelly cherry and purple kush I have another gem sweet in sour in veg I get few photos of them up this afternoon I think I gona top take the tips for cuts and they be the next 3 in as not looking like these dogs are rooting the bastards


Well-Known Member
They are DEFINATELY bastards.

They had me last year not through smell though.

I gave up growing for all of 2 months lol.



Well-Known Member
foliar feed your purple stemmed clones with ca/mg plus 1ml/gal of veg nute and watch your problems disappear. Do not spray rooting clones unless it's for a green up, like you need right now. If you foliar feed, your plants will eat through the leaves and the roots will go lazy, but you could definitely do more benefit right now. Trust me, I got a sick ass clone farm ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
normally I'd agree, but these strains have natural purple/red stems, it's a clone only trait showing through jozi ;)

Lookin good bud kidda!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dude I was just looking in skyhiatrists thread at that psycho killer, check it over for little white patches of mould man. i think it's infected with powdery mildew :(

looking at the pics above it looks fine but the shots in the other thread i thought i could see a tiny patch near the bottom of the fan leave in one shot.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye get a deeks quick as you can. it might not be mind. you'll know straight off in a day or two though there'll be little circles of it on the leaves. looks like icing sugar

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
spores on infected cuts man, think i've give it you on the psycho killer. but i can't be certain. it's a reet fucker. i'm gutted about it feel proper shan.


Well-Known Member
spores on infected cuts man, think i've give it you on the psycho killer. but i can't be certain. it's a reet fucker. i'm gutted about it feel proper shan.
Neem oil, milk and water mix (5 parts water to 1 part milk).

More air movement, less touching leaves and lower humidity.



Well-Known Member
Ok m8 so will it happen on all my cuts off it if that is the problem there is enough air movement I think I can't get there till morning like but will get her out for a proper look and a few photos