BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
seems i'm a dab hand at home brewing too haha. first lot down, absolutely lush. 6.5% ipa calling it 5/6 as we only used 5 of the proposed 6 hop bags. tastes thick bodied but with a light crisp edge.


well quaffable in it's present form but another few days to let the extrA SUGAR FERMENT AND THEY'LL BE READY TO FRIDGE.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Hahaha that was fun lol. Sour lemon skunk on the stem rub, kinda got the clone only funk but with a sicky sour lemoney smell. HONKING!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
cracking lad, drink report when you get round to it......send us one and I'll send you a Zatte? lol.

seems i'm a dab hand at home brewing too haha. first lot down, absolutely lush. 6.5% ipa calling it 5/6 as we only used 5 of the proposed 6 hop bags. tastes thick bodied but with a light crisp edge.

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well quaffable in it's present form but another few days to let the extrA SUGAR FERMENT AND THEY'LL BE READY TO FRIDGE.


Well-Known Member
at first I thought the bottles said,...."Leaky Bum IPA" lol. Wipe the morning sand out of my eyes.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaah not quite, we lost a good few pints with the leaky tap, (hence the name) though the wife in wilko's said just bring it back and they'll swap it no bother! i'm actually stunned, it's the first home brew i've actually enjoyed.

had word from the chief brewer the pilsner is looking about 8% so far, i've ordered a load of citra hops to give it some zing. can't wait. It's also got a bag full of sugar trim in the mix for flavour, we'll add another bag with the citra. doubt it'll have much kick weedwise but at 8% who fuckin cares hahaha

i'm thinking i might actually grow my own hops for the next batch.

in other news:

i've just done the first run with the vac sealer and it works a belter, no more jars of weed on the bus lol. got a nice bit oil off cleaning me jars and the bottom of the grinder out too.

love a brucy bonus i do :)

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erl a tenner bag and some poor quality hash!
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Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Ello ello ello then, what do we have here then????

Just read the first few pages geez and I'm liking what I'm seeing so far! It's Gina take some time for me to do the whole 40pages.

What's all this fingers super lemon haze cut I'm hearing about in the UK (shitest lemon king ever I don't even know what clone only are floating round my own mannor lol) is it something you've made? Swear that laz fingers things ringing some bells!!

Nice one on the homebrew..... I'm off to read page 1 lol

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Hahaha just realised closet gardeners from the UK too after being on the pals list since day one lol....shit I need to put the zombie Down lol

Edit it was closet gardener who told me bout that fingers cut page 2 of my diary lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
alreet fella, welcome it's just general banter and the odd crisis here n there, few giggles in between grow pics.

I've got the smelly fingerez in flower just now but its been pruned so much it's got no fan leaves bless it. i've got more s33ds and a back cross that's yet to be tested. it's 100% sativa, tastes fuckin lovely, like cherry cream soda.

Laz found the pheno in the mr nice pips for the lemon and my smelly cherry some great pheno's one really fast one, yorkies done the test run, in the uk thread.


Active Member
The homebrew looks lovely mate! and that hash aint bad looking either ;) I moved my hands and arms through my canopy when i fixed it back to normal after removing the bottom res and man ohh man was i sticky. stuck my nose right up to a few bus and smells awesome. not too strong which is good cos i have have the tent open and my windows in my bedroom are open too! have chunks of ona block lying around my room :D not looking forward to it getting really really stinky!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I wash my mits down with nail polish remover to wipe down or olive oil. At full flower tho a few blocks of ons ain't gonna cut it lol

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
alreet fella,welcome it's just general banter and the odd crisis here n there, few giggles in between grow pics.

I've got the smelly fingerez in flower just now but its been pruned so much it's got no fan leaves bless it. i've got more s33ds and a back cross that's yet to be tested. it's 100% sativa, tastes fuckin lovely, like cherry cream soda.

Laz found the pheno in the mr nice pips for the lemon and my smelly cherry some great pheno's one really fast one, yorkies done the test run, in the uk thread.
was it a pheno of MNS ssh......i thought he left GHS and took all his parent stock before, that guy who used to work for DNA got pissed at them and gave arjan the Lemon Skunk cut?>

ta for the welcome your actually the first person to say it to me since ive been here! im subbed (normally i would say cant wait for an update but im only 6 pages in ....i got some reading to do!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Yeah it was Mr nice I think. Had a couple of pips put of it n let it go it was nice smoke but I've had better lemon. Psychokiller has a lemon pledge pheno. Comes from.the jack the ripper side.

Why's all the grief over or you just getting the new lad treatment