MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

Hey guys!

I've read the entire thread here today, and wanted to take a second to introduce myself, contribute to everyone's progress, and potentially find other interested partners in the southern Ontario region.

A member of my family is very supportive of this endeavor of mine, and is willing to put up some capital for me to eventually begin an operation of my own/partner with someone else.

Additionally, my mother is a QA professional and has been in the food industry for over 30 years, currently holding a Vice President title and is more than willing to contribute to my success in anyway she can. Perhaps once things are a bit more clear, she could become of great help to some of us.

I recently graduated from arguably the best business school in Canada, and so I am quite competent and serious about succeeding in this venture, government douchey-ness permitting.

Was great to meet like-minded individuals via reading this thread. :)

Hey Jaxx, we are just about to submit our application but send me a message.
Thanks mrfssd
Are you still in talks with Adam?? From a couple of pages back? What area are you guys in?

Hey Jaxx37
Can't send you a PM but did click on your name and wrote you a message.
First of hello to all and PROPS!!! to all who have contributed to this thread. I am a PUPL and am very interested in the new MMPR. I have no intentions of creating or ever expanding up to a large scale business. For me growing cannabis is a way of life and not just a medicine, or a way to make money. I would be happy if I were able to make a modest living providing quality meds to those in need. To be totally honest I have some legal issues that need to be cleared up before I can even considering pursuing an MMPR. Luckily my lawyer is good, and confident this issue can be resolved. I will continue to follow this thread and if there are any people in ontario that have other info that they have not posted, but are willing to share would be great to hear from you guys through PM. Thanks and best of luck to all who are blazing the trails of this new industy.

Edit: Sorry don't want to only hear from those in Ontario, but anybody that may have information pertaining specifically to Ontario.
Well while we're at it. I'm looking for a investor/business partner in the Edmonton area. Got everything ready to, give me a pm.
Just thought I would share some information I received yesterday. I know of 2 different groups who applied a while back and were just denied licences by health canada for LP. They both had places done up to code, everything passed and csa approved, all letters sent etc but where denied as soon as HC saw they didnt have a Lab on site to conduct tests on the cannabis. They didnt even look at anything else they just denied them as soon as they saw there was no Lab. So much for the little guy in this business.
Just thought I would share some information I received yesterday. I know of 2 different groups who applied a while back and were just denied licences by health canada for LP. They both had places done up to code, everything passed and csa approved, all letters sent etc but where denied as soon as HC saw they didnt have a Lab on site to conduct tests on the cannabis. They didnt even look at anything else they just denied them as soon as they saw there was no Lab. So much for the little guy in this business.

how do they know that for sure? did hc actually specifically say that every else was ok as long as they got an onsite lab?

when you say that "everything passed" does that mean that someone from hc actually came and checked their sites?

thanks for info
HC rep told me they are having troubles pushing the program through as fast as they wanted too. If i had to guess, if PPS isnt on that list, i would say licenses are not being issued yet.
Just thought I would share some information I received yesterday. I know of 2 different groups who applied a while back and were just denied licences by health canada for LP. They both had places done up to code, everything passed and csa approved, all letters sent etc but where denied as soon as HC saw they didnt have a Lab on site to conduct tests on the cannabis. They didnt even look at anything else they just denied them as soon as they saw there was no Lab. So much for the little guy in this business.

Doesn't make any sense. In the MMPR regulations themselves health Canada states a certified off site lab is permitted to do the testing. Health Canada even provided me with a list of labs across canada.

There has to be another reason they were denied.
" but where denied as soon as HC saw they didnt have a Lab on site to conduct tests on the cannabis."

I highly doubt that that was the reason. HC biggest concern is security, our biggest hurdle is a secure storage area. According to the controlled substance act the value of cannabis is $10,000 per kilo appendix B. Say your storing 50kg or 100lbs at a time the value of the meds would be $500,000, requiring a security level of 6 or 7 you will need to construct a vault. We're talking a full size walk in bank vault. Talk about ridicules, just one more hoop to jump through.

Cheers itsme
Level 7 security requirement for storage, so much for the little guys getting a licence.

7.1 General

7.1.1 . The following are examples of the minimum requirements which the Bureau will accept for level 7 security. This level is determined by the location of the licensed dealer and the maximum inventory. The monetary value of the inventory is calculated using the illicit value of the drug. (See Appendix B, Table 1) .

7.1.2 . The Bureau will consider alternate forms of secure environs, such as laminates, providing they are equal in force resistance to the examples given below.

7.1.3 . Minimum Electrical Detection Requirements:

Smoke detector inside vault.

Sufficient detectors to indicate when there is an unauthorized attempt to access, penetrate, remove, or open the vault or safe.

Detectors which will indicate when there is an unauthorized opening of the vault or safe door or any attempt to circumvent the detector is made.

All vault and safe alarms on one zone which is separate from other detection devices installed in the warehouse.

Vault or safe alarm equipment is to be monitored by a U.L.C. (Underwriters Laboratories of Canada) approved central monitoring station. When such service is unavailable the Bureau will consider alternates.

Grade "B" Line supervision.

Control boxes for the security system are to be located inside the vault or safe.

Proximity detector (capacitance detector) if used in conjunction with a safe must be placed either inside or underneath the safe whenever feasible.
7.1.4 . All electrical conduit for the alarm system, security equipment, lighting, telephone, etc. shall be in accordance with any applicable electrical code. All conduit entering the walls, ceiling, or floor shall have at least one offset within the vault structure. Arrangement of bends shall be so that drainage is to the exterior. Conduit shall not exceed 3.8 cm (1 1/2") diameter.

7.1.5 . The secure environs if they include a vault, safe or caged area, are to be located at least 1 metre (3') from any outside wall if located on a ground floor or an accessible roof. The Bureau may consider certain conditions to be equivalent to the 1 metre (3') requirements. These conditions may be in the form of another building in close proximity to the secure environs, ditches, cement pylons, etc. The 1 metre (3') requirement applies, regardless of the distance from the ground or accessible roof, if construction is to be against a wall which is common to another company.

7.1.6 . Ventilation - Openings in the vault for ventilation or air conditioning are not allowed if the overall security of the vault is lowered. In instances where either a circulation of air or air conditioning is necessary for the drug stability, one of the following conditions must be met:

Openings must have one dimension 15 cm (6") or less and the total area of the opening cannot exceed 619 cm2 (96in2).

The opening or duct work must be protected by the installation of N 5 (15 mm (5/8")) steel reinforcing rods securely anchored into the wall on 15 cm (6") centers and horizontally reinforced on 40 cm (16") centers, or a grill.

If a grill is to be used it is to be constructed of either N 5 (15 mm (5/8")) steel reinforcing rods on 15 cm (6") centers and horizontally reinforced on 40 cm (16") centers, or 3.5 mm (10 gauge) expanded metal mesh, welded into a 6 mm (1/4") metal frame. The frame is to be securely anchored to the wall.
7.2 Secure Environs (Vault)

7.2.1 . Walls

Cement Block

High density concrete block wall 15 cm (6") thick reinforced every void with N 5 (15 mm (5/8")) deformed steel reinforcing bars. Each void filled with type "M" mortar, or

Poured Concrete (20.7 MPa (3000 lb/in2) minimum).

10 cm (4") poured concrete reinforced every 20 cm (8") with deformed steel reinforcing bars N 5 (15 mm (5/8")) thick in both directions or reinforced using 3.5 mm (10 gauge) expanded metal mesh which has opening 5 x 2.5 cm (2" x 1").


10 cm (4") poured concrete (20.7 MPa (3000 lb/in2) minimum) reinforced with N 5 (15 mm (5/8")) deformed steel reinforcing bars every 20 cm (8") in both directions or reinforced with 3.5 mm (10 gauge) expanded metal mesh which has opening 5 x 2.5 cm (2" x 1").
7.2.2 . Door

Any fire resistant bank type vault door will be acceptable. (Insulated Record Storage Vault Door).

Any inside escape handle attached to the door must be removed or rendered inoperable. A telephone, intercom or other type of warning device may be installed, to replace the escape handle for those instances when someone is accidentally locked inside the vault. These warning devices are not a Bureau requirement.

Combination lock is to be changeable, manipulation proof, possessing at least 3 tumblers and have a spy proof dial.

The lock combination must be stored in a secure location and changed yearly, or whenever a person knowing the combination no longer requires it.
7.3 Safe

7.3.1 . If a safe is to be used for level 7 security instead of a vault, it is to be a burglar resistant safe which is Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC) rated at a level ULC-TL-30.

7.3.2 . The safe is to be located in a caged area which meets the requirements described in Appendix D.

7.3.3 . The caged area described in 7.3.2 should be located in a locked room.

7.3.4 . Safe must be anchored to the floor in such a manner that it cannot be removed without first opening the safe door.

7.3.5 . If the safe is equipped with a combination lock, the lock combination must be stored in a secure location and changed yearly, or whenever a person knowing the combination no longer requires it.

cheers itsme