Looking For BHO Advice

king vacuum purge, greylord askedddd. many people dont know stink ..

I dont think thats the answer he was looking for.

"you whip left right left right left right, then up down up down up down up down" yeahhhhh, I think everyone knows that already.

I think he was expecting a little more detail...like some numbers, times and temperatures, techniques sort of thing.
Thats the main reason why I dont like posting step by steps cause people can get seriously hurt if they dont know what they are doing.

lol you seriously think someones gonna try your technique, blow up, and then try suing you?? get fuckin real man. people can get seriously hurt stepping off the curb to cross the road... you dont see them not making curbs or crosswalks now do ya??

you dont see people with youtube videos on how to replace steering linkages on their cars worrying do you??? "well what if their steering assembly falls apart on the highway after they watched my video because THEY forgot to tighten one bolt??"

or how about the time I was installing a new cam in my dirtbike... following directions obviously, and I tightened a bolt too tight, stripping the threads in my engine..... whos fault is that? surely not the guy who made the cam swap tutorial. come onnnn.....

you dont see people who teach you how to make potato guns worried about the hair spray exploding the back piece off and hurting the end users hand do you?

if they dont know what theyre doing and get hurt, its their own damn fault. fuck em for being so stupid, they deserved it anyways.

its just as much the butane companies fault as it would be yours if they blew up, which is zero. or are you one of the guys who blasts and evaps indoors, and would include that info in your tutorial?!?!
looks like its underpurged oil thats been allowed to have tons of air bubbles (and butane bubbles) and was allowed to dry out somehow.

like this oil, it looks so white because its sooo thin, due to millions of tiny tiny tiny bubbles. id imagine if you melted your stuff into a chunk of shatter, it would significantly darken.

everything is easy. the only part I cant figure out is how you got it to dry so quickly, or got it to dry while still being bubbled like that without a vacuum. bubbles require heat... but heat makes it melt and turn into a liquid (yours looks more like a solid)

does it crackle and pop when smoked on the nail?
No cracking or popping when smoked. Nice and smooth! I know when there are impurities in product or not! Get real man? I am real man, I am a retired military vet with integrity. I do care about people getting hurt and the safety of others. I lost a lot of friends due to stupid shit so I do have a conscience. If you cant respect that then thats your problem.

I dont think thats the answer he was looking for.

"you whip left right left right left right, then up down up down up down up down" yeahhhhh, I think everyone knows that already.

I think he was expecting a little more detail...like some numbers, times and temperatures, techniques sort of thing.

Detail WOULD be good thanks :)

I've only just started to make butane hash, 7 batches so far. My results are good but I'm sure it'll get better as I learn more techniques.

My main issue is handling the oil itself, it's so messy.......most hash makers would probably be horrified if I told you how I make my oil a solid.
Detail WOULD be good thanks :)

I've only just started to make butane hash, 7 batches so far. My results are good but I'm sure it'll get better as I learn more techniques.

My main issue is handling the oil itself, it's so messy.......most hash makers would probably be horrified if I told you how I make my oil a solid.

crazy, I thought it was pretty self explanatory.

you play with it and rub it on your fingers until it finally comes off in a ball or what?? even when I was a beginner and put my oil straight into vial... it was shatter. always needed to be heated up in order to do anything with it, or its like digging at glass.

buy a stainless steel dish from wal mart, a pair of forceps, and a few straight blade window scraper blade things... under 20$ and youve got the ultimate oil scraping set up. no fuckin around, no mess and sticky fingers and tools.

also, buy yourself a bottle of 70% iso to clean all that sticky shit.. nothing worse than a sticky lighter, sticky forceps, sticky mouthpiece on bong, sticky dome, sticky fingers, etc..... one wipe of 70% iso cleans everything back to perfection. or 99% if you can spare it.

your oil should turn to a solid on its own pretty much. you might not be purging it enough if its staying a sticky goopy mess. 110F for around 6 hours. it also helps if its in a very very thin layer. more surface area the better. keep it below 120 or 110F though.

flash the BACK of the blade for 1 second, back off, then another 1 second flash. repeat 2 or 3 times and the oil drips right off the blade, onto parchment paper or whatever you want. there shouldnt ever be a mess or anything getting sticky if you do it this way.

vacpurge I'm not sure I want to fess up. I fear ridicule from my peers. haha. In my defense, I had this dark honey messy goo, feeling quite proud of myself, when I realised I didn't have a clue how to handle this mess. Sooo....I remembered how we used to soak up hash/oil with dried tobacco to smoke, that got me thinking.....I made a mull of really nice bud, left it out to dry, heated up my oil &.......yep, soaked up the oil with my very fine & dry mix & it ended up looking just like the old 'gold stamp' brown putty hash. It has to be cured [heated] just like hash before it's able to be amalgamated into a mix. It's definitely my night-time medicine. One of my friends says it's too strong [good, good :) ] Sorry I don't know how to post pics.
That's the 'sins' of my past, the error of my ways have been revealed for all to see. No excuses left....haha.

I'll have to get an appropriate thermometer, kitchen one okay? I noticed that the oil smelled like it was cooking when I put it on a bain-marie. Must be too hot.

Thanks for the advice.
lol ask Guzias about the 50 grams of wax in pump oil if you want to talk about faux pas, legend has it the wax still sits on his shelf because he cant bring himself to trash the 50 grams