Samwell Seed Well
Well-Known Member
i think this is my favorite affordablecarreact act bitching thread, not cause of the conversation but the title
all that glimmers is gold
all that glimmers is gold
"Seize control of the language and you control the debate"
a concept that you will not abandon in any way, shape or form. let's review some examples.
unclebuck: i believe in private ownership of means of production.
kynes translation: you are a socialist crypto-marxist! thus you want bread lines and dead bunnies.
kynes: "niggers" are "like that everywhere", ghetto thugs, race hustlers, poverty pimps, inherently less intelligent, rap culture, hate education, can't speak right properly, gold chains, can't be bothered to smoke weed in the hay loft on their uncle's farm, self perpetuating, responsible for slavery, bwana, muslim half-rican, affirmative action president.
unclebuck: dude, don't you think that's racist?
kynes: not in the least.
thus spake kynes.
Bolded: I never said it.
these claims should be easy for you to support.
Bolded: I never said it.
these claims should be easy for you to support.
I'll let UB handle his own but one of the items you bolded was that one about "inherently less intelligent". Now let's dispense with the word games, are you now saying that all races are of equal cognitive potential? If not, then you are suggesting inherent differences in intelligence by genetics.
dude, you called obama a "half-rican" just the other day.
don't even try to deny that you said that "niggers" are "like that everywhere". comment is now deleted, as you pointed out. but you owned up to it.
WRONG, i agreed that Kids Today are like that everywhere. the person i was speaking with made the comment on "niggers" in the context of his experience, being black himself.
you've called obama muslim no small number of times.
NOPE. i quoted his "my Moslem Faith" gaff for laughs, but thats it.
you've agreed with desert dude's statement about black not being able to speak properly and hating education.
failure to speak properly and REFUSING (not hating) education is the current millstone around the Black Community's neck.
i did embellish the hay loft thing for comical reasons, but the spirit remains true.
it is a simple fact, when black youths commit crimes (particularly smoking weed), they do it in the streets. when other groups commit crimes they prefer to do it in the privacy of their homes or other places where cops are less likely to notice them
quit running away from your sordid past.
geez, you can't even recall calling obama a half-rican just the other day? really?
i am not suggesting anything of the sort.
some individuals ARE naturally more intelligent than others (half the population is below average intelligence) but this does not imply that some groups are just all born stupid while others are naturally brainiacs.
that is a strawman.
i know too many smart people of all races (and too many morons of all races) for these claims to stick.
Smart has ALWAYS been a survival trait, and Dumb is invariably a handicap. i cannot think of any society which prizes stupidity and incompetence above intelligence and success (democrats arent a society).
the intelligence tests which are the sole means of judging IQ are extremely subjective, and really quite pointless.
the SOCIETY and your upbringing have more to do with intelligence than genetics, except in the case of actual retards.
africa's consistently low scores on even the least subjective tests are most likely a result of poor nutrition and total unfamiliarity with the concept of testing, rather than any genetic deficiency in intelligence.
all races have similar potential for superior intellect, as well as the hazard of dullards, but this does not necessitate that the mean intelligence for all races is absolutely equal.
for all we know the smartest man on earth could be living in the highlands of new guinea, and will never see a book or discover his potential, since will be spending his time trying to catch some fish or climbing coconut trees, rather than ever putting his brain to work.
for that, you need division of labour, and a surplus of food so smart guys can think instead of worrying about where his next meal is coming from.
and thats why european and asian societies are successful, while hunter/gatherers are NOT.
Well, this differs from the tone of your comments in Winter Woman's thread about Zimbabwe (your manifesto) and it seems to differ from the attitude in several very recent threads. What the heck, you aren't racist anymore.
ohh you mean the post where i said africa needs to help itself rather than expecting everybody else to clean up their corruption and end their pointless tribal conflicts?
No, I mean the thread where at least a dozen of your comments have since been deleted, including your manifesto.
nigeria, like all of subsaharan africa doesnt need "help" they need to stop fucking themselves over with 800 year old tribal conflicts, corrupt governments and self-destructive behavior.
nigeria has abundant arable land, abundant water for irrigation, a sufficiently educated populace and sufficient modern infrastructure to create 419 scam emails, but they cannot figure out a way to fix their own shit?
nobody can help africa but africans, and they have proven reluctant to try. the only way the civilized world could help them would be to invade, and dominate then FORCE civilization down their throats.
all of africa would have to live under a police state for generations, and then slowly be weaned off compulsory civilization until they can stand on their own feet, but that would destroy what little remains of the good things of african societies and cultures.
and of course this would assume that the imposers of social order were not corrupt themselves,, which means the UN is right out, leaving the only two nations who have EVER successfully turned a subject territory or an anarcho-______ist land into a peaceful and prosperous democracy, and thats the US and the UK. and even then, the success rate has been pretty low.
heres the scorecard:
US success:
the philippines
south korea
germany (partial credit with UK)
france (partial credit with UK)
US failure:
iraq (ver2.0)
puerto rico (still stuck to our shoe like a wad of gum)
panama (x2)
north korea
poland (partial blame with UK)
all of post war eastern europe (partial credit with UK)
mainland china
UK Success:
india (reluctantly)
germany (partial credit with US)
france (partial credit with US)
UK Failure:
iraq (ver1.0)
the entire arabian peninsula
all of post war eastern europe (partial blame with US)
poland (partial blame with US)
all of the british west indies
all of british west africa
the US (ohh sweet irony)
actually pretty much the entire british empire went to shit when the UK started circling the drain.
No, the one about "multiculturalism and its cognate monoracialism". The one that has since been deleted.
so, you have not seen the magazine covers, the major network news stories and the glowing rhetoric celebrating the glorious future when all races become a single uniform colour?
of course you have seen it. it just offends your narrative.
multiculturalism sounds like a great thing to you, as well as it's inevitable cognate, mono-racialism.
without differences in race everyone will be equal so thats good right? but what about those who do not conform? they are of course RACISTS!
likewise multicultural social experiments inevitably lead to one social group dominating the others, the only question is WHICH social group? the western democratic logical society or the primitive superstitions of thrid world lands full of djinns, hoodoos, saints, and gri gris.
i for one prefer european style societies, if i wanted to live in a country dominated by religous fanatics, i would move to iran, if i wanted to live in a country where raping infants is the cure for disease i would move to kenya, and if i wanted to live in a country that veiws it's governmental leader as a divine prophet touched by grace and gifted with divine wisdom i would move to north korea (or utah)
^^not deleted^^
Thanks for finding it for me, I knew I could count on you.