Thanks for responding, but you sidestepped my question George. You base your belief that you are christ on certain bibical content that runs parallel to your life, but what if that content is part of the bible that didn't actually happen. Then your belief that you are christ would be based on fiction, correct? Which may mean that you're not actually christ, only that your life is similar to some fictional content...
It is irrelevant whether the Bible is true or not. The fact is that the Bible is an "ancient" book and its the best selling book of all time too. All that matters is that it says XYZ in the Bible and XYZ happened to Me, for the most part. I'm not trying to pass the Bible off as truth because I don't know whats true in it or not. What I am trying to pass off as truth is the fact that I did the XYZ thats written in the Bible. The Bible is considered the "Holy Scriptures" by millions of Christians. I have fulfilled maybe a dozen of these stories that are in the Bible, more or less.
But yes, I'm actually Christ (in My opinion) whether the Bible is true or not. The fact that I fulfilled stories from the Bible is not the main reason why I believe I'm Christ. I first actually started to believe I'm Christ just because I have the Name above all names. The fact that I have fulfilled stories in the Bible is just icing on top of the cake.
Even if the New Testament isn't an accurate historical record (which it surely isn't - though there may well be elements of truth in it) - even if it were a complete embellishment - that doesn't mean Christ wasn't still Christ. Nor that if he were to return, he would be any different. If that's what you believe.
You can be as literal as you like - it doesn't change what Christians perceive to be the truth.
And mock Nevaeh all you like, but his answer to your question is already in his reply. You just can't see it.
The Bible is an allegory and Christ is a representation. It wouldn't matter if none of the things in the Bible were true, it's what they represent - what Christ represents - that people believe.
In that sense, if enough people believed Nevaeh420 was Christ, then he would be. To those people. And who would you be to argue? It would be like arguing with any other theist . . . Good luck with that!
I like you, you should post in the S,S&P section of RIU more often.
I thought I already answered his question Myself but Tyler always likes to "dig deeper" and ask many questions, which I don't mind.
I actually believe there was a Jesus ~2,000 years ago, but I highly doubt the veracity of the Bible and if all the New Testament is accurate. But on the other hand, I have said exactly what I have said, it should be a fact that I have said what I have said. And what have I said? Haha! I have made some extraordinary claims, in My opinion.
Hey Eye. George states that he believes that some things listed in the bible actually occurred, and most did not. He believes that he is christ because of specific biblical content, which I am assuming he believes actually occurred, is similar to his own life. My question to him is; what if the biblical content he is basing his belief that he is christ on is included in the majority of the bible that did not actually occur? Wouldn't that mean that he may not be christ? IOW, if the Harry Potter series wasn't fiction and I realized that my own life is strikingly similar to the lives of sorcerers in those books, I may believe that I, too, may be a sorcerer. But if I found out the books were actually fiction, the similarities of those sorcerer's lives to my own wouldn't really mean anything, since those things in the books did not actually happen because they are fiction. Is my logic not as clear as I perceive it to be?
I don't know where you are getting your information from. I never said that "some things listed in the bible actually occurred"! I never said that. What I said what that there has to be some facts in the Bible but I can't discern the fact from the fiction.
I do "believe that he is christ because of specific biblical content", but I have other reasons for believing I'm Christ other then because of what the Bible says. For example, another reason I believe I'm Christ is because of My prophecies. If I'm not Christ then I have to be the ultimate Prophet of all time, but how do you prove if ones a prophet or not?
Tyler, I have many reasons to believe that I'm Christ, or at the least, a Prophet that believes Hes Christ. I don't speak for God but My Words are divine. I will always believe that people can believe whatever they want, but I should also be able to believe whatever I want too, including the belief that I'm Christ. You may not ever believe that I'm Christ, but I do. And I base My beliefs on the evidence that I have seen for Myself.
Tyler, I think the following link below is what you are referring to as the Scripture that I believe I have fulfilled?
You all can watch My videos again (or for the first time) if you want to, and see Me face to face. Its post #194 in the link below.
Your logic is limited to your understanding.
He's already suggested the Bible is a metaphor. His "belief" that he is Christ may well be the same. He doesn't have to be any more literal than that. Any more than Jesus turning water into wine.
I think the Bible has some facts in it, but I don't know what they are, but yes, the Bible is loaded with metaphors in My opinion.
The belief that I'm Christ is just a personal belief, its not like anyone else believes I'm Christ. Because how do you prove one is the Christ? I tried to prove it in the links in My signature but to no avail.
Everyone's logic is limited to their understanding, how would one's logic go beyond one's understanding?
Well, you're relatively new to this sub-forum. If you've read as much George as I have, you'd know that he believes that he is the actual christ. He doesn't have to do anything, which is his right. I am asking him to, which is mine. George is perfectly willing to answer questions posed to him, he'll let you guys know when he isn't...
I'll give you this one Tyler, I do believe I'm the actual Christ, but who am I being compared to? How can you compare Me to Jesus when we don't actually know what Jesus said when he was alive? And what did Jesus actually do? For real.
What do you want to know about Me Tyler? What are your questions? Do you just want to debase Me or are you truly interested? I know one of your goals is to "break My delusion". And that's not going to happen, not anytime soon anyways. I may live the rest of My life believing that I'm Christ or I may see that its not doing Me any good and I should just move on. But regardless, I have seen enough evidence for Myself to have rational conclusions for My beliefs. I'm not perfect but who is?
This is bible God we are discussing. That God is shown as always killing instead of curing those he deems to be defective or deficient somehow, --- including children and babies. Is that the work of a perfect God and if so, please explain why curing is less honorable and immoral than killing. Regards DL
You can talk about the the Bible God all you want bro, but I don't believe the Bible accurately depicts the God I know. My God would never kill anyone. I don't know what My God would do to be honest but I'm sure He would have the best intentions for everyone and not take sides.
Seems to me he's already answered your questions.
Maybe I explained it better in this post.
I like you Prawn Connery, keep posting on here. We need more open minded individuals to speak on these forums. Some of the Atheists on here are actually closed minded because they think there absolutely is no God and there are no exceptions. I think your open to the possibility that there might be a power greater then yourself, like I believe too.