Well-Known Member
instituted massive new regulations on private industry and contracts*
instituted new mandates for the populace forcing them to submit to the will of the regime whether they want it or not**
gave massive handouts to favoured companies operated by his henchmen while stifling growth in those industries he deems counter to his ideals***
appointed mandarins to target "disloyal" citizens who oppose his decrees (both political action committees and pot dispensaries)****
levied massive taxes on those he deems "too rich" (except those who are in his inner circle) with huge new giveaways for the proletarians*****
proclaimed his personal authority to execute any member of the public he deems a threat to his regime******
fans the flames of plebian discontent with marxist rhetoric*******
declares deliberations of the supreme court "unprecedented" if it looks like they may find his ideas unconstitutional*********
allows his minions to call members of the congress "traitors" for opposing his "change" ***********
sounds pretty conservative to you does it?
*citation needed
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