President Obama's Marxist-Leninist Economics: Fact And Fiction

instituted massive new regulations on private industry and contracts*
instituted new mandates for the populace forcing them to submit to the will of the regime whether they want it or not**
gave massive handouts to favoured companies operated by his henchmen while stifling growth in those industries he deems counter to his ideals***
appointed mandarins to target "disloyal" citizens who oppose his decrees (both political action committees and pot dispensaries)****
levied massive taxes on those he deems "too rich" (except those who are in his inner circle) with huge new giveaways for the proletarians*****
proclaimed his personal authority to execute any member of the public he deems a threat to his regime******
fans the flames of plebian discontent with marxist rhetoric*******
declares deliberations of the supreme court "unprecedented" if it looks like they may find his ideas unconstitutional*********
allows his minions to call members of the congress "traitors" for opposing his "change" ***********

sounds pretty conservative to you does it?

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**** cockbreath holder still employed, IRS harrasment scandal. consider this one cited you dimwit.
***** Obamacare/"PPaca"
******* "if i had a son he would look just like trayvon" " we gotta spread the wealth around" etc etc etc, you fool.
********"Ultimately I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress,"~Constitutional Scholar in Cheif.

now respond with "TLDR"
**** cockbreath holder still employed, IRS harrasment scandal. consider this one cited you dimwit.
***** Obamacare/"PPaca"
******* "if i had a son he would look just like trayvon" " we gotta spread the wealth around" etc etc etc, you fool.
********"Ultimately I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress,"~Constitutional Scholar in Cheif.

now respond with "TLDR"

so you're mainly worried about the PPACA, a heritage foundation idea (yes, a conservative think tank far to the right of nixon) which was previously implemented by a republican governor?


yeah, that just screams "leftist".

sadly, people who are not obama are allowed to say "treason" whether obama likes it or not, just like you are free to assign hyperbolic descriptions to mundane actions such as killing terrorists with drone strikes. that's protected under the first amendment, which has no party affiliation.

some companies paid no taxes before obama and continue to do so under obama, not due to anything he has implemented. so the GE citation is rubbish and has no bearing on left/right governance.

there was no IRS harassment scandal, there was a republican conservative IRS staffer who OK'ed extra scrutiny of left and right leaning groups. did you not get the memo on that one? all manufactured republican lies.

the only thing left to cover is your rabid disdain for holder, obama, trayvon martin, or anything else you deem too "multicultural" (black), and thus a threat to your racial purity. that's been well covered. it is not marxist to hire a black guy or to comment on a black kid who was shot down by a vigilante.

go cry now, you got nothing.
and for the record, the left decried bush for drone attacks and hates obama for his drone attacks.

so i fail to see how drone attacks are proof of marxism.

i think kynes is just having a really, really bad day or something.

maybe his cousin took the last biscuit and his nephew took the last beer and his brother took his last eggo waffle and his momma took his last condom to go mudsharking while his other cousin hogged the TV and his other nephew stole his brown dirt weed that he reluctantly bought off the mexican dude (multiculturalism fears take a back seat to cheap weed) and his other brother called him a mean name.

by the way, the above gathering of family would not be unique to a thanksgiving get together, that is every day in the life of kynes.
Man, you guys type a lot.

I don't care if it's Obama or one of the Clintons.
I Don't vote for democrats.

I'll be damned if I'm giving any of my hard earned money to people who don't work.
Share the wealth, my ass.
every time you pay your phone bill, you are giving free phones to people, some who work, some who don't.

you can thank reagan for that.

keep voting republican, idiot!

Well then the president should stop this practice.
I'm sure every bill I pay benefits someone who doesnt deserve it.
and for the record, the left decried bush for drone attacks and hates obama for his drone attacks.


Obama brag, in new book: I’m ‘really good at killing people’ with drones

President Obama was overheard bragging to administration aides about his ability to kill people with drones, a new book about the 2012 campaign season that’s due for release on Tuesday claimed.

The president’s specific words: I’m “really good at killing people,” authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann write in “Double Down: Game Change 2012,” The Daily Mail reported. They get their claim from a Washington Post report that buries the statement as a brief anecdote in an article, in which the president is described as speaking to aides about the drone program and then making the claim.

The White House hasn’t responded to the book — but a spokesman did indicated on Sunday talk shows that the president hates information leaks.

“I haven’t talked to him about the book,” said adviser Dan Pfeiffer on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday. “I haven’t read it. He hasn’t read it. But he hates leaks.”

Mr. Obama’s reported statement comes at a time of increasing criticism for his use of drones in Pakistan and Yemen. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London reports that Mr. Obama has given approval for 326 drone strikes. And since 2004, drones have killed between 2,500 and 3,600 — 950 of whom are considered civilians, the organization claims, The Daily Mail reported.

The White House says those figures are incorrect, but has not released their own statistics.

The book’s claims are even more interesting when it’s remembered that Mr. Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 for his “extraordinary efforts” to bolster democracy around the world, The Daily Mail said.

I guess this is the time bucky gets his panties in a bunch and goes in the bathroom to cry.
Had fun.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.