just want some advice please, apologies for hijacking topic/thread, just did not want to start a whole new thread..
Quick story..
The other night at around 11pm my girlfriend phoned the police as we had been told a young girl was being attacked in the street near our house, the Police came into the house to take some details, there was no smell of cannabis as we had not been smoking and nothing was said.
The police returned the next evening to take a few more details and as we had just had a joint, the house stunk and my girlfriend spoke to them in the porch without letting them properly in. When the enquiry was over, one officer said "are you smoking cannabis in there?" my girlfriend said no, he then asked if anyone else was smoking cannabis, to which my girlfriend said no.
The officer then said "we'll im not going to come in, but there was a strong smell of cannabis when you opened the door"
In your opinion, would the police think any more of that? In my eyes, it just looks like my girlfriend was lying cos she didnt want to get caught, and they let her off basically..
It has us both very paranoid now about the few plants we had growing (cleaned out within 10 mins of them leaving)
I am under the impression Police can tell the difference between growing and smoking cannabis smells, and if they suspected anything, they would have entered the property there and then, given probable cause of the cannabis smell?
What do you think about the situation? Justification for a raid/bust because she denied anyone was smoking cannabis(therefore they must be growing it)? Or just being a bit too paranoid?
I know nobody can give any definitive answers regarding the law, but any advice or feelings would be greatly appreciated.