why are conservatives so concerned with other people's money?


Well-Known Member
Really? Is this your new angle? You trying out the fake civilized approach now? How's it workin for you? Well?
we'll have to see how it goes, but it may work out better for him than denying that he was once a member of the white supremacy group.


Well-Known Member
well, i'm off to the dog park and then downtown to jake's. think i'll bring the camera just for record keeping purposes.


Active Member
they tried drug testing for welfare, they spent more money testing than they saved by kicking druggies off.*

did you forget about that?

you also forgot to mention that democrat politicians reduce or eliminate the deficit, it is the republican side that always takes surpluses and turns them into massive, record setting deficits.
Well, democrat politicians are not the devil, I know. And republican politicians are not angels, I know. In fact, they are both right and wrong at about the same rate, IMHO. But it's just normal animal reaction (humans are animals too) to want to keep what we earned. A dog doesn't want to give up a bone that he went out and found. Humans naturally have the same frame of mind. If I WANT to give, then I will (and I do, although not much). But to have the gov't decide to take my money and give it to someone else just irks me. It just does.

I don't mind paying taxes, because we all benefit from having good roads and a military. But to have the gov't decide to take my money against my will, and give it to people that I deem unworthy to receive it, is a double whammy in my face and I don't like it.

I really think that's what many people feel who take the time to think about it.


Well-Known Member
Well, democrat politicians are not the devil, I know. And republican politicians are not angels, I know. In fact, they are both right and wrong at about the same rate, IMHO. But it's just normal animal reaction (humans are animals too) to want to keep what we earned. A dog doesn't want to give up a bone that he went out and found. Humans naturally have the same frame of mind. If I WANT to give, then I will (and I do, although not much). But to have the gov't decide to take my money and give it to someone else just irks me. It just does.

I don't mind paying taxes, because we all benefit from having good roads and a military. But to have the gov't decide to take my money against my will, and give it to people that I deem unworthy to receive it, is a double whammy in my face and I don't like it.

I really think that's what many people feel who take the time to think about it.
You know what irks me? When I create $100 of value, and then some prick in a suit who does nothing of consequence comes and takes 70 of it because he's the "boss". Another thing that irks me is tax cuts for the wealthy, since that's just a redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the upper class, which has no need for it, just greed. It also irks me when I see people working 60 hours a week and living in poverty. I'm also irked when I hear about people who are bankrupted by medical expenses because healthcare in this country is still considered a service, and not a basic human right like a truly civilized society would embrace.

So to be honest, I don't think there's nothing wrong with taxes, as long as they're going to provide for neediest and most vulnerable in society and not for corporate welfare or politically motivated wars.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
yep, sitting out front rigjt now at the time hemlock said.

gonna have a bowl and keep waiting, but I have chores to do.
Buck, you said "so sometime after 5 is best for me. " You are an hour early. Smart move!

<edit> post 43, you said you would be at the restaurant at 5:30... Very smart move... ;-)

"i'll be there tuesday around 5:30 if you'd like to meet."