Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)


Well-Known Member
I'm going to share something personal here. I haven't seen my two year old girl for three months. There is no conceivable reason why this is the case apart from her mother trying to hurt me as much as humanly possible. I have since explored all legal avenues and have something coming up in the very near future which will ensure I get to see my girl by Christmas. My mother visits my daughter often and tells me things like "she runs around with a picture of you saying that dada, that dada" . I look at pictures of her and I break down and cry. I have done jail, nearly died once, been homeless, been bashed, been addicted, but I haven't experienced pain like this before. Maybe I'm strange.
I haven't seen my two year old girl for three months. The reason is I have done jail, nearly died once, been homeless, been bashed, been addicted, but Not because her mother is trying to hurt me as much as humanly possible but protect her daughter. My daughter hasnt experienced pain like this before. Maybe I'm strange.

Fixed it for you.


Well-Known Member
im not talking recently you cretin. I was out of home at 12, on the needle at 14 and in juvenile by 15, did some 'real' jail in my early 20's , contracted an infection from cattle working on a 5000acre beef cattle property late 20's,nearly died, cleaned up after that, decided I wanted to sell cars, got my licence, knocked on doors until I got a job, became their best salesman in three months, got into a relationship a few years ago, had a child, did we ever argue, yes, was there drug use no, was their violence?, no did we drift apart? yes did I raise my daughter, yes, did I change nappies and feed her yes did I contribute financially and emotionally? yes did she accuse me of cheating on her after a night out with my friends? yes. So fuck you, not that I need to justify myself to some fucking random illiterate, $5 grow tote bargain, self proclaimed 'poor ass' 'old guy'


bud bootlegger
Fixed it for you.
that's pretty fucked up.. i guess what you are saying is someone who was once an addict or a fuck up, can never straighten themselves up right??
i've got news for you, i've been clean for over 12 years now, and looking back at some of the shit i've done, seems like a completely different person...

and oh yeah, bite me... ps, knew i shouldn't have come back to this thread..


Well-Known Member
well a few years ago now i got with a older girl i kinda knew what would happen and i spose my sub conscience i wanted it anyway, after a year of fucking n fun it was layed on the table we have kids or go out separate ways i picked the kid option and it was the best move i ever made, ive grown up so much since the kids and me and my girl are more closer than ever no it aint been easy but it was the right move i needed to grow up and my kids are my world nowdays.
People who start out with me me me are not parents. Who cares about you and your recovering disease "hahaha disease"? When children are involved you either be a parent or be gone.


Well-Known Member
that's pretty fucked up.. i guess what you are saying is someone who was once an addict or a fuck up, can never straighten themselves up right??
i've got news for you, i've been clean for over 12 years now, and looking back at some of the shit i've done, seems like a completely different person...

and oh yeah, bite me... ps, knew i shouldn't have come back to this thread..
there is no war here bro, just people wired at the subject. Sorry i polluted this place, but at the end of the day threads like this are a necessary evil... REAL problems... real emotions, not just "are my ladies looking ok, is it ph or nute" the grower is a person too, and all from different blends. I respect you among all people, and i never said i would neglect my daughter, i was jus tellingthe reasons why i hated her mother. Seen parenting disputed my whole life, it never really ends, i wish you good luck in conceiving, although im not sure this is an economic time to want to conceive.


Well-Known Member
people who start out with me me me are not parents. Who cares about you and your recovering disease "hahaha disease"? When children are involved you either be a parent or be gone.
fuck off, all you are is a troll. I hope someone ion cannons you.
there is no war here bro, just people wired at the subject. Sorry i polluted this place, but at the end of the day threads like this are a necessary evil... REAL problems... real emotions, not just "are my ladies looking ok, is it ph or nute" the grower is a person too, and all from different blends. I respect you among all people, and i never said i would neglect my daughter, i was jus tellingthe reasons why i hated her mother. Seen parenting disputed my whole life, it never really ends, i wish you good luck in conceiving, although im not sure this is an economic time to want to conceive.

Douchbag your already neglecting your kid! You don't get it. You disrespect your child every time you bad mouth her mom.
fuck off, all you are is a troll. I hope someone ion cannons you.
Dude your a real life troll, fresh out of the state pen knocking up woman and moving onto the next delusional woman. All I can hope is a real man steps up and is a father to your daughter because you will never be.


Well-Known Member
there is no war here bro, just people wired at the subject. Sorry i polluted this place, but at the end of the day threads like this are a necessary evil... REAL problems... real emotions, not just "are my ladies looking ok, is it ph or nute" the grower is a person too, and all from different blends. I respect you among all people, and i never said i would neglect my daughter, i was jus tellingthe reasons why i hated her mother. Seen parenting disputed my whole life, it never really ends, i wish you good luck in conceiving, although im not sure this is an economic time to want to conceive.
Someone with 700+ posts should realize fucking with the mods is a sad fail.....

Shed that skin quick, boyo. Put on your Sunday best when addressing Racerboy...Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Someone with 700+ posts should realize fucking with the mods is a sad fail.....

Shed that skin quick, boyo. Put on your Sunday best when addressing Racerboy...Thank you.
I did show respect and i always appreciated his posts, he doesn't see eye to eye with me on this and i was making peace, all your doing is instigating nothing? If i was a mod, i would have done the same he did, disagreed, and then let others get emotionally charged. Racerboy is an example to all of you that just want to get onto something to flame, say your opinion, respectfully. this is a damn community with common interest man, im not trying to fight with any of you. I was just saying im upset and feel betrayed by the whole situation... no need for this man.

I respect all of you guys moreso than friends i see in real life, for you to sit there and tell me to end myself, to do this or that, real big of you. another kid grows up without a father... your part of the problem not the solution... and letsgetcritcal HAD a drug problem, as apparently all of us do on these forums, dont disrespect him, please. I see his posts, hes a good person, and is knowledgeable, for you trolls to fuck with people who share feelings on subjects is cursing you to have a bland forum full of sub par subjects because no one will be willing to dig too deep. think about thar before your so damn rude again.