Okay, decided to take the babes out of the box and get some new pics, wanted to get a top pic of Ms Tall, that's
Ms Tall from above
Ms Tall (left) and... that other one
You can see from this pic the effects of lack of light, on both, but particularly on the plant to the right. There's a lot of stem there. I also took this pic to show what appear to be hairs(?) on the right baby, in my next post I will have some zooms of this. No, they are not that tall yet! This shot makes them look humongous, but they're sitting on top of the cabinet. The one on the left is about... 3.5 feet? The other one is less than 3 feet. I oughta measure them but that would mean opening the cab by moving the blanket, and I don't want to do that just yet, gotta remember to water these girls before 7pm tonight (they were still moist when I took this, about 11 am) or maybe I'll laze out and hit 'em tomorrow, nutes coming up.
This illustrates even better the effect of weak lights. Obviously, I had the lights near the top of the plant. There were lights lower, but they were the 5500k's, a cheap brand that said it was 'daylight'.
You can also see clearly that for whatever reason, the plant on the right is greener. I'm assuming it got more nutes or maybe because it's small the nutes were better placed. I had a bad experience with nutes early on, but from here I shall be adding them regularly. Mental note: buy molasses! I don't know how many times I have written this on post-it notes and still: no molasses.
Sadly, when I had some kind which a friend brought me out of nowhere, I ignored my plants, and this is what you see. Now all I have is beer, and you can bet I'll be paying real attention to these babies now, as they're my lifeline and the key to my anticipated future mental health.
(aside: You guys ever drink Belhaven Scottish Ale? Sipping it now, my God what a glorious brew, it's like I'm drinking the moors of dear old Scotland. But I digress)
When I took these out, I was thinking, unlike the past weeks, when I wasn't paying much attention because I was getting high (what does this bode for future plants, considering I intend to grow and be high, constantly? Hmmm....), I was thinking: Oh Shit. The tops are getting top-heavy. So I rearranged the lights, putting my new 6500k's (thank God-- the old 5500's are now powering the bathroom, ha!).
I thought to myself, how much would it suck if I allowed all this new growth to take place up top, and then the whole damn thing fell over or broke because I wasn't paying attention and the bottom got weak.
I rearranged the fan to blow better on all these babies, and I'm happy with the setup for now.
This is the new light setup, I think, if I remember correctly (which I don't... rather drunk now), that damn plant... well, not damn, it's a sweet plant, it's the baby, now. But I didn't want to move it because with all the wires and such, you can't tell from this pic, but it's situated pretty good and doesn't want to move. My setup is pretty ghetto, everything feels like an old car with really bad shocks, like that car in the movie "Uncle Buck". And I was gonna take out this plant but it just didn't want to move, I can tell it's become acclimated to the things around it, and I try to avoid moving things because they're all just sitting on these metal shelf-holders that don't seat well in the rails.