Appalachia is very left wing. Appalachia makes up part of GA, TN, NC, SC, VA, KY, PA, NY....
Anyway, although it is a very large area, it is thinly populated and streaches over many states.
When the democrats got the blacks hooked on government crack, they put the hillbillies on it too.
Think of Appalachia like a very white, inner city spread out over a few thousand square miles with very few buildings.
Edit- the only state whose borders are wholly within Appalachia is WV, and it has been a fairly reliable blue state, as long as the D's have a white candidate. Some debate exists that it might be shifting red, since kt has gone the past 4 electioms. Though bush won it twice, prior to that it almost always went d. If Obama hadn't made a video talking about how dumb they were, and if he were white, he would of won. Also, the driving force in the d party has not been pro labor (read coal miners unions) but yuppy lefty elitists who look down on blue collar people.
They even voted against Reagan.
Appalachia/West Virginia is not "left wing." Let's not confuse being members of the Democratic party with being leftists. Looking specifically at West Virginia, the national Democrats are vastly out of sync with what the people believe, which is why the state is shifting after being dominated by that party for so long. Republicans are already expected to win the senate seat there in 2014, and had Joe Manchin sat out the race last time, they would have already won the other seat.