Recent content by boxofstankay

  1. boxofstankay

    First time shroomin, advice plox

    no new jersey is gay. The tv here said so.
  2. boxofstankay

    Is this a good way to dry san pedro?

    Well take it easy, theres pleanty of extraction methods that don't involve boiling, just dried cactis. I hope you figure something out! later.
  3. boxofstankay

    Middle Aged Going Back

    Yeah well if you're eating it, that skin can NOT be there haha. like chewing on rubber or plastic. im freakin lazy as hellabit too. but im serious about my hallucinogens. so a 12 hour boil is worth every second to me lol. besides, all i really need is a few videos and lots of Wii video games and...
  4. boxofstankay

    Is this a good way to dry san pedro?

    dnt worry about the thread. people here get tired of my constant sanpedro threds im sure haha I get my san pedro for free. I'll ether ask someone with a bunch of san pedro in their front yard if i can have a clipping and usually people are just happy that I actually ask instead of stealing it...
  5. boxofstankay

    Middle Aged Going Back

    if you eat that cactis bro, tell me. i would like to try it like that but i know my stomach. i have a few acquaintances online who say they love to eat it, and it's a slightly different trip then the tea[i think they're trippin]
  6. boxofstankay

    Middle Aged Going Back

    If you eat that cactis there is a good chance[ unless you have a strong tummy] that you wont be able to completely digest it and will probably throw it up, making it a reduced experience. extraction or tea. extractions are hard. idc what anyone else says damn it hahah The tea is nasty but can be...
  7. boxofstankay

    Is this a good way to dry san pedro?

    No it wont do anything with the potency. THIS GUY is drying san pedro as there are many tutorials as for an extraction based on dried cuttings. If you're just starting off, id recomend using around 20" if your 150 pounds+, and keep it fresh, and make a tea from this excelent method by...
  8. boxofstankay

    Is this a good way to dry san pedro?

    Some dude is Dooing an extraction. This guy will be doing several extractions. Some of which involve dried cactis instead of tea. This guy was going to peal skin, cut into a bunch of chunks, mash chunks, and dry in a low humid room with a fan. 10% humidity. for however long it needs [He's...
  9. boxofstankay

    Middle Aged Going Back

    Order some bregsii or san pedro on ebay legal things with >_> Glad to here you're back! haha
  10. boxofstankay

    Molly prices??

    Some amazing random person[im not even kidding] recently sent me some molly prints. =] i dont think ill be getting rid of a g at all. =]
  11. boxofstankay

    Shrooms, are these legit?

    YAY shrooms!
  12. boxofstankay

    A new plan! check out my new cuttings![sanpedro]

    well thanks. i was didn't want to burn anything. anyway im sure this times gonna be a lot better. the whole 29 inches didn't even fit into the pot xD
  13. boxofstankay

    A new plan! check out my new cuttings![sanpedro]

    i'm boiling 29". Left four to replant!! good stuff man. also I have recieved a 7 foot san pedro! my gpa was nice enough to give it to me along with a 12" long 1" thick little baby, and some "old man cactus" lol it has white hair all over.
  14. boxofstankay

    Spores, and fuck california.

    well i have a relative in the san Fransisco area lol i called him. i thought he would have a connect but hes all wrapped in his work so no good. sarcasm huh? making me feel dumb haha
  15. boxofstankay

    Just a heads up to shroom growers.

    lol do wolly. or master dutch. i really don't know lol. But i remember not liking them b+ very much