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  1. ButchyBoy

    Will hermied polled effect the cuttings?

    Always remember, a cut will be an exact copy of the plant it came from.
  2. ButchyBoy

    What in the heck is happening to my leaves?!?

    Is it mainly on older growth and lower leafs?
  3. ButchyBoy

    Is this a cal mag issue ?

    I'm with @GrampaGreenJeans. The necrotic edges are the giveaway.
  4. ButchyBoy

    A good read on Mollasses..

    Molasses is used to feed the micro organisms in the soil. Your plant in no way what so ever sucks it up out of the soil! Read the book called "Teaming with Nutrients" It will give you an understanding of how a plant gets its nutrients from the Rhizosphere.
  5. ButchyBoy

    It's better in the north west

    If you are fond of cigarettes and booze you won't like Washington! Rent is pretty decent compared to say California.
  6. ButchyBoy

    It's better in the north west

    Depends on what side of the state you want to be on. The west side is crowded and over priced. The east side is less crowded and a bit less expensive to live.
  7. ButchyBoy

    water only

    It is just as informative about plants as the other is about soil. You wont be disappointed!
  8. ButchyBoy


    I make mine with Bubble hash. I cannot stand the taste of grass clippings. I run an ounce of trim through the bags and dump the bubble directly into a pound of simmering butter. Has a very nice flavor and works wonderfully! I have a silicon mold with 1 tablespoon cups that holds 1 pound of...
  9. ButchyBoy

    water only

    Now go grab Teaming with Nutrients :hump:
  10. ButchyBoy

    HELP! Is my plant a hermie?

    Here is an example of a plant that was a full blown pollen chucker. I just walked out to the greenhouse and snapped this picture. It is currently 64 days into flowering. What looks like calyx's is actually seed pods. As you can see there is not much in the form of a smokable flower. As time goes...
  11. ButchyBoy

    HELP! Is my plant a hermie?

    Depends... That looks like it will be a full blown pollen chucker so most likely not. I use the remnants of my pollen chuckers to make hash after collecting the seeds. There is not much available though at that point.
  12. ButchyBoy

    HELP! Is my plant a hermie?

    Ones with seeds!
  13. ButchyBoy

    Fruit flies????

    I have fruit flies here due to my fruit trees. I have never had one in my room though. I deal with fungus gnats occasionally since I do not let my soil dry out ever. The majority of microbial life is in the top few inches of the soil and if it dries out you loose that. I cover my soil with two...
  14. ButchyBoy

    water only

    clear water is all that the plants get. NO bottled crap!
  15. ButchyBoy

    Why is my first leave doing this???

    Over thinking it is easy to do. Try reading on garden forums instead of cannabis forums. A plant is a plant is a plant! You will end up filling your head with bad info if you stick to these forums IMO.
  16. ButchyBoy

    Why is my first leave doing this???

    At this point don't sweat the light not hitting the entire leaf. In fact at any point don't sweat the light not hitting all of any of the leafs. Plants grow in shadows all day long every day. Nature does not shower every leaf with sun light yet plants grow just fine!
  17. ButchyBoy

    Why is she clawing ?

    What happened to your plants? Sad panda's they are!
  18. ButchyBoy

    Male Or Female???

    I voted male as it looks suspect!
  19. ButchyBoy

    Why is my first leave doing this???

    I have to admit I spit some whiskey and coke on my computer... :clap: I don't think you have an issue with light penetration my man! :mrgreen:
  20. ButchyBoy

    Bad news...

    I would keep at it! You have 60 days till you have to be out? That would be very close to done but not all the way. Iv'e harvested early and still got great smoke from it.