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  1. B

    Whats wrong with my plant? I am guessing I overwatered (Pics)

    Well, you burned her badly. Then you starved her. All while turning her to flower. You did a good flush, so IMO, if you have started feeding her properly again, she should turn around. Doesn't look beyond recovery or anything. Keep in mind that she is a little hungry right now after the flush. I...
  2. B

    How do you make a purple plant?

    Sorry dude, didn't mean to come off as a dick or anything. Good luck with your grow.
  3. B

    Do I need to flush?

    The only way I harvest premature is if the snow is gonna get them first. No point continuing the banter man, as long as we both enjoy the smoke we get off our plants, then we are doing no wrong. Cow Tea, truly sorry to have participated in a negative exchange in your thread. I'll keep my...
  4. B

    Smallest Plant?

    Well, i dunno really. Maybe a foot and a half or so. Never really tried to intentionally keep one small from seed. As I said I use mini clones so I can cull strains I don't want while the mom is still vegging. I have some seeds from a pure sativa laying around. I might just germ a few of them...
  5. B

    Do I need to flush?

    Ok buddy, I grow outdoor too. In the dirt, outside in the woods. I grow in a nice spot where there is no standing water, but the soil always stays moist. I never feed these plants any form of nutrients, the only watering they get is rain. Tell me why, when I cut these 'deciduous' plants down...
  6. B

    Do I need to flush?

    Flushing your plant wasn't what I was arguing against. Letting your plant starve was. A well fed, healthy plant can keep it's leaves thru a flush just fine without looking all half-dead.
  7. B

    How do you make a purple plant?

    Did you even read the original post?? The dude was talking about DYING the weed purple so he could mark up the weed and make more pocket for himself. That's not right. Now I'm no thug, but I'm no pussy either. I have on a few occasions taken bum weed back to a dealer and ya know what, I never...
  8. B

    How do you make a purple plant?

    Good luck to you. If I found out a dealer gave me artificially colored weed just for the sake of charging me more, I'd stuff that shit right down his throat then make sure everybody I knew who might buy off him was aware that he was trying to mark up fake 'purps' just to pad his own pocket...
  9. B

    How do you make a purple plant?

    A lot of strains will show purples if flowered in colder temps. I've never been a fan of the concept of artificially coloring weed.
  10. B

    Why do I have seeds?!?!?!?!

    Bananas are bananas. They look like bananas, they are yellow, they are male sex organs. Foxtails are something you'll come across in mid to late flower on sativas sometimes. they are like dreadlocks made of bud sticking up out of your colas. They are funny, but they are all female. Sometimes if...
  11. B

    sap on my buds? pictures so what kiss my ass

    Sounds like bud rot. Weed doesn't make sap, so if it's not crystals or plant matter then it's something bad. If you don't like my answer, post pics for a real diagnosis or kiss my ass.
  12. B

    light heights???

    I dunno man, assuming you have even lighting over your grows footprint, you would logically want the light as close as possible without burning. I assumed the 4ft in the first post was a sarcastic exaggeration. Personally I've never seen somebody hang their light a full 48" above the canopy. I...
  13. B

    Can one take a plant grown HYDRO outside???

    I start my outdoor plants inside, and most of the time I do it hydro in rockwool cubes. Score the rootball before putting it in the ground, and watch it for a few days to make sure it doesn't go thirsty until the roots get a hold in the dirt. Otherwise, I do nothing different then my soil to...
  14. B

    light heights???

    Well, if you have a 400w bulb, you can put it considerably closer to the pant than a 1000w bulb. The bigger ops use bigger lights which will burn the plants if you put them too close. If you are growing in your closet you might only have a 250w light, which you will need to place much closer to...
  15. B

    Is this bad??

    The whole idea is bad. Growing in dad's house is cool if dad knows. He's the one paying for the place after all, right? Now aside from the lack of consideration of the fact that dad might not want somebody growing weed in HIS house, there are other problems. 2x27w is weak, you can get away with...
  16. B

    Smallest Plant?

    I don't have a lot of space to grow, so when I get a new strain I usually take very small clone and flower it to see if I want to dedicate precious square footage to a real grow with it. I think this one is about done getting taller now, but still has a few weeks left. I'd say 3" is probably the...
  17. B

    Confused? Why would someone want an AUTOFLOWER??

    I would think more photosynthesis would mean more food production, and thus more plant. Perhaps there is some threshold at which added light becomes counterproductive, but I don't work with autoflowers so I'll stop there and let people who grow the stuff answer better.
  18. B

    Buds not growing right

    You have answered yourself correctly. at 4 1/2 weeks tho, it's not too late to get some more light on them. cfl's are cheap, add a few more and you can at least add a bit of density to what you have.
  19. B

    Do I need to flush?

    Agreed, some plants drop their foliage at the end of their life cycle..... but they still have access to nutrients in the soil at this point. If your logic was at all sound, the cannabis would yellow and drop it's foliage even while being fed a balanced nutrient schedule. Marijuana doesn't...
  20. B

    Do I need to flush?

    I was only 3 in 1979, but maybe I'm stuck there as well... If the plant didn't need nitrogen, why the hell would it be sacrificing it's only sources of energy to get more of it? Intentionally yellowing your leaves just makes poor botanical sense.