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  1. ScrogThis

    nute burn? or...

    Looks a little like Fe deficiency, I'd keep giving it plain water for a few days until you see some "normal" new growth then ease back onto the nutes. How do your roots look? White, crisp, nice nutty smell? Those leaves probably won't recover.
  2. ScrogThis

    HELP mites,nuteburn or overwatering?

    Well there's yer problem! they're upside down! Seriously it looks like the start of N deficiency, here's a pic hope it helps.
  3. ScrogThis

    SCROG with autoflower? Is it worth it?

    Check this thread, the guy that started it has used auto-flowering strains in a ScrOG
  4. ScrogThis

    Question about suspicion...

    Cops investigate people all the time, they can't eat doughnuts 24/7 but if it's not a grow op who cares? My neighbors think I'm a hippie biker... oh wait... Like the shirt says "Snitches are a dying breed" , be careful if he's that big a douchebag.
  5. ScrogThis

    DIY small air conditioner

    Here's the $100 version....
  6. ScrogThis

    DIY small air conditioner

    Chill man, at least you're thinking and as the sig says "If it's stupid but works, it really isn't stupid." Should see some of the crap I've built over the years... BUT... this is an adult site and if you aren't quite there yet please come back when you are.
  7. ScrogThis

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Well you know mine is overgrown as hell but if I could go back I'd have flipped them before they hit the screen and trained them during the stretch (which I did but they were already above the screen). Even in the second week they would shoot up an inch or two in a day and required training...
  8. ScrogThis

    Is a carbon filter 100% effective?

    Ummm... don't wear it but put it in your filter, on the exhaust side? Sorry man, being facetious but there are no facts in that article, more FUD to scare up a few more hits on a web site. Good to be aware though.
  9. ScrogThis

    Wtf is this heeeeeeeeeeelp??? Sos!!!!

    Agree except in the case of toxicity when they will exhibit signs of calcium, magnesium and/or iron deficiency. imho it's hard to diagnose exactly, flushing, adjusting pH and watching your nute balance pretty much always works regardless of the cause. Bighill is right, the damaged leaves will...
  10. ScrogThis

    Air Conditioner?

    Lots of folks use lots of different types of air conditioners with varying degrees of success. If you feel your environment is too hot then it's a good solution assuming stealth is not an issue, most window units allow for a "recirculate" setting that will (mostly) keep your CO2 in the room. Air...
  11. ScrogThis

    Wtf is this heeeeeeeeeeelp??? Sos!!!!

    It's looks like a phosphorus issue though toxicity or lock-out may exhibit symptoms of deficiency, flush, check pH and get your nutes balanced. Here's a pic I found somewhere/sometime, hope it helps. (credit to original poster)
  12. ScrogThis

    Thanks, appreciate your feedback.

    Thanks, appreciate your feedback.
  13. ScrogThis

    my home made solidwood growcab

    Nice & clean +rep
  14. ScrogThis

    I have nothing, how do I start?

    TacoM - use hydroton (expanded clay) in your net pots, it's cheap, clean and reusable. With that type of budget soil, cfl's and organics are likely the route. Check Craigslist, garage sales and the like to find the goodies you need cheap. I would recommend this book over anything Jorge has put...
  15. ScrogThis

    my simple setup and 2 happy girls

    Look pretty good, nice to hear from someone who doesn't think they have to spend thousands to grow good smoke.
  16. ScrogThis

    Is a carbon filter 100% effective?

    They work pretty good, near harvest I usually add a dryer sheet to the filter to catch that last little bit, the new ones with Febreze (tm) work the best for me.
  17. ScrogThis

    Anyone use yeast, sugar, water to increase co2?

    2 liters is not enough to make an appreciable difference in that space especially if it's vented, don't know your exhaust volume or total cuft (need a 3rd dimension) but something on the order of 5 gallons would be closer...
  18. ScrogThis

    help needed to make CO2 with yeast water and sugar

    I use sugar/yeast CO2 generation in a vented cabinet with great results. You can buy baker's/brewer's yeast (active dry yeast) at nearly any grocery store and the cheapest sugar you can find is fine. One pound of sugar will produce approximately 1/2 lb of CO2. (the math gets a little complicated...
  19. ScrogThis

    Air Purifier = Odor Control ?

    Carbon scrubbers are cheaper and in my opinion more effective. Ozone works pretty well and has the added benefit of discouraging mold. Your mileage may vary but ionizers didn't work well for me.
  20. ScrogThis

    Free Grow Software!

    Looked at CannaGrower, I like this one better but my grows are just small medical grows. I found CannaGrower confusing.