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  1. kush714

    help i just switched from aero to soil to save these should i put them back or wait?

    Your pics arent comin up, try again. Thats gonna be a hard transfer, they will go into shock big time. Good luck dude.
  2. kush714

    Fox Farm Soil 1 mo. Nutes

    I go with the plan that the first month is veg, so i really dont add any till the 3rd or 4th week. Which is right when the flower stage kicks in. And yes i would start with 1/4 strength, Foxfarm seems to be really concetrated verses other nutes. Make sure you use the tiger bloom with the big...
  3. kush714

    Reusing soil

    Best thing for used soil is in the planter outside or in the trash. I like to use it outside to in-rich the current stuff outside.
  4. kush714

    Lighting question

    Use the 18/6 schedule untill you want flowering, then switch to 12/12. But i recommend using both lights at the same time.
  5. kush714


    You can run a 4" flexiable duct to your ceiling, where you would cut a hole in the drywall for the duct to fit into. Get yourself a 4" duct booster fan and hook it up to the ducting and you will be set. So all the hot air gets vented up into the attic, does this make sense?
  6. kush714

    will my buddies crop taste like ass?

    I personally wouldnt use fish for nutes, theres alot of other products out there for what you need. just my opinion.
  7. kush714

    why dont some people like botanicare

    I have heard good things about Botanicare, they have a Raw product line now. I had good luck with 3D Organics on my last grow, i got it free too from the last expo i went too. I heard House & Garden products are excellent also, hope this helps some.
  8. kush714

    Improve Bud Flavor?

    The light has nothing to do with the smell or flavors. If you want good smelling and good flavor, then find a good strain and use some good nutes. For example, Botaincare makes a nutrient called Sweet. They have a Raw Sweet,Citrus,Grape,Berry Flavors, this would be something to consider. Hope...
  9. kush714

    Ventilation question

    maybe install a 6" duct damper, that way the flow of air can only go one way. do you think this would work for you. You might need to install a duct booster fan too.
  10. kush714

    Clone Question

    Yea, I would transplant to foxfarm soil, just be carefully when using their nutes. Foxfarm is really concetrated, so use a 1/3 strength. I can promise good results if everything else is right on point.
  11. kush714

    Vegging Questions

    You want to go 12/12 at the height you want for evoriment or where you want it. Started my LST at 2 weeks in veg, i got to where i want it then i switched to 12/12.
  12. kush714

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Was the from seed or clone ? im taking it as it came from seed ?
  13. kush714

    Does anybody know what this is?

    Looks like a hermie to me, anybody else second that ?
  14. kush714

    Micro Grow Ventilation Help Please!?!?!

    If you want negitive pressure, then you want more on the exhast side. So like 2 fans on the out, and 1 on the in.
  15. kush714

    Rookie CFL grow, First timer w\ pics

    I would transplant them, dont leave 2 plants in pot. Its like 2 kids fighting over food, not good. I dont recommend you using miracle grow, that stuff is crap for what you are trying to do. I recommend Fox Farm Ocean Forest or Happy Frog, both really good. Dont try to do to much on this grow, do...
  16. kush714

    Clone Question

    You have to take in count for your lighting,soil,envoriment. Im gonna guess here and say its your soil and nutes that are holding up the growing process. And i woulnt dought if your light is not enough for these babies. what kind of light are you running ? what kind of soil ? any nutes added ?
  17. kush714

    Homemade Clone Box

    The box looks good man, but i do recommend getting better lighting if your gonna do 7. I would think about getting a HPS, maybe a 250w or 400w would be good for your setup. I would also increase your lighting time, because the more dark you give them, they are gonna stretch like crazy. And it...
  18. kush714

    Help, Yellowing Leaves - Pics

    The yellowing could be just normal bottom fan leaves dying off. Try to let your soil get kinda dry before re-watering. What kind of soil are you using? And i recommend that you get some more lighting soon, cause that puppy is gonna wanna take off soon. I would start with a 1/3 strength nutes...
  19. kush714

    How many ml of water?

    Depends on how big your pots are, i would just add water till the soil looks wet. What i do is pour the water slow untill a get a good run off, then i leave it till it drys out again before i water.
  20. kush714

    One Month Old Plant

    miracle grow is no good, because it has nute release only when you water. Only good soil is Fox Farm or something organic thats made at home.