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  1. kush714

    Is my little girl to short? PIC

    you need to get better light, like a metal halide light setup. Or if you cant to that, just add more cfl's and put them closer to the leaves.
  2. kush714

    A couple weeks to go!

    How far is that plant into flower ? I would say atleast 2-3 weeks more.
  3. kush714

    hps or cfl?

    Cfl's are ok, but they have to be really close to the plant to be of any good. HPS is the way to go, you wont turn back after you switch.
  4. kush714

    Quick question regarding lighting

    most the time with 1000w setups, they use 18''-24'' of space.
  5. kush714

    Short and Stocky.! help

    yea, you can flower at any point you want. You just wont get the yield your lookin for. As soon as you turn over to 12/12 cycle is when it will flower. You will notice flowers to start @ 1 1/2 - 2 weeks into it.
  6. kush714

    Help me understand electricity bill formula. 16 per kwh

    your looking at about $40.00 bucks a month. that works out to $1.33 a day.
  7. kush714

    Been a bit but gong to rock out a new grow.

    Looks like you got a good thing going here. I've had good luck with foxfarm in the past, good luck and I will follow your grow to see how it turns out.
  8. kush714

    Quick question regarding lighting

    If you can put your hand there without getting burned, your good to go.
  9. kush714

    Flowering Started today Holy Grail 69 150hps First grow and vegging Big Bang

    Looks really healthy, keep up the good work
  10. kush714

    just started flowering my plants 50 plus most are 18 inches -2 foot what u think?

    I think your lookin good so far, but get ahold of that mite problem beffore it gets the best of you. I use a product called Azamax with great results. You can use it as a foiliar spray or a drench application. It's an organic based product, vegtable based.
  11. kush714

    early bud

    You can flower (bud) at any time you want. But something that small wont be worth all the work, veg it to atleast 1 foot, then switch to 12/12. And you wont even get an 1/8 off of that size plant, just take your time with it.
  12. kush714

    flowering light cylce

    Hit or miss on that, you need atleast 12 hours light when in flower cycle. If you only give 9, your depriving the photosythensis process. End result will be low yield and low quailty.
  13. kush714

    Best time to water during flower?

    yea, i always try to water right when lights come on. I also use a foiliar spray when lights come on, Liquid light from Dutch Masters.
  14. kush714

    which one should i use?

    Both of them will benefit you a little, but your end product wont be where you want it to be. If you cant pick up the right nutes, then go ahead and use what you have. Im just giving you my opinon, ive seen people on here use miracle grow without awsome results. The one on the left will be...
  15. kush714


    get a few of those automatic spray canisters, you can set the timer on them for 9,18,36 min intervals. I have 2 in my grow area, and they seem to work good.
  16. kush714

    Short and Stocky.! help

    You have to start with a good rich organic soil, good nutes, hps light with a few fans. CFL's are ok for veg cycle, but for flower you need atleast a 250w HPS.
  17. kush714


    Homemade carbon filter
  18. kush714

    which one should i use?

    I wouldnt use Miracle grow, the soil stuff only releases nutes when watered. If they were my plants i wouldnt use anything Miracle Grow, thats just me though. Use Foxfarm or something made for what your doing.
  19. kush714

    seedling issue..

    I give mine a light nute spray every other day or so. Yellowing is not enough N (nitrogen)
  20. kush714


    Well Mika, with 2 plants i would keep the light 8"-12" away from them. You can also go by feel, use your hand to judge if the light is to close. When i grow in Veg cycle i use 20-22 hours light for tighter noding. Then when you switch to 12-12, then you can use you HPS bulb.