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  1. Ablaze

    Spacing my plants in 3x6 space

    It's the environment that makes the difference. If you're adding the nutes and lights like before, you won't have a problem IMO. But just to be transparent, I grow in soil (for my own reasons).
  2. Ablaze

    Spacing my plants in 3x6 space

    10 gallons is a lot for soil. No problem there, but that's a lot of space they will take up.
  3. Ablaze

    Need help on checking trichomes...

    Right dtl420. My camera takes amazing pictures. Most newer cell phones do. And boy is it hard to keep a 60+, 100+ or more focused. Practice makes perfect. When i started it was with a 10X magnifying glass. FYI, learn from me that's not enough. As dtl420 said, cut off a leaf up top that...
  4. Ablaze

    Desire to Smoke My Own

    Let me clarify what I was trying to say. I've been :blsmoke:. You chose a great medium for an easy grow. That's the main benefit of soil. Nature will do 99% of everything you need. Your plant knows what to do all on it's own. Let it. Pampering our ladies is awesome and rewarding. It's...
  5. Ablaze

    Is my plant healthy?

    I think you might have a preflower. On the first picture, top of the plant, right side. Perhaps the blurry object is a preflower. This isn't help, but I want you to know this. I literally grow in a closet and have for more than the past two decades. No fan, no ventilation, no humidity...
  6. Ablaze

    Russet Mites

    Sometimes the truth is simple to say.
  7. Ablaze

    Desire to Smoke My Own

    WxMan, you may already know what I'm going to say. First, you're doing awesome. Second, for a soil grow the more you do the more you are risking causing problems. I'm not saying this is ideal, but you could literally put a seed in the soil, add water and light, and end up with a nice harvest...
  8. Ablaze

    Trichomes shriveling up?

    My friend, sorry for my misunderstanding. I thank you for giving me that opportunity to explain. Seriously. Trichomes are just a part of it. Without pictures, do what you feel is best.
  9. Ablaze

    Tiny 4 month old gorilla bomb finally gets 12/12

    I can't wait to find out.
  10. Ablaze

    Russet Mites

    Not paranoid, @fearnoevil. Diligent. It's kinda like hitting a wasp nest with a baseball bat. Sure you might survive........
  11. Ablaze

    First harvest post from a newb!

    Probably the best thing you did was to ignore her. Awesome results.
  12. Ablaze

    Flushed too early?

    Why would you want to deprive that beautiful girl of anything? I'd be buying her jewelry, a new car, taking her out to dinner..... If you're in soil, I doubt you did much by flushing.
  13. Ablaze

    Anyone help with this please

    I don't really see any problem. In reviewing your other posts, I think they're in good shape.
  14. Ablaze

    Trichomes shriveling up?

    Are you looking for a reason to harvest? LOL. 2 days past the grower's suggested flower time is nothing. First, they may calculate the grow days once the flowers start to show, not necessarily after the switch to 12/12. It's possible you still have another month to go. I hope not for your...
  15. Ablaze

    Are we there yet?

    Do you have any larger pictures that we can expand to see more detail? Do you have a picture of the plant? It looks pretty clear, but the pistils shown are old. I would need more information. Sure looks good though.
  16. Ablaze

    Russet Mites

    You've got a battle on your hands, and it may not just be this grow. They have a sneaky tendency to hide somewhere. If you've chopped everything, then I'd also use chemicals without any plants present. The ones you're keeping, make sure the mites don't come back for two months after treating...
  17. Ablaze

    Outdoor grow help

    Anyone? Sorry, I have no clue.
  18. Ablaze

    Desire to Smoke My Own

    Looking lovely.
  19. Ablaze

    I have a few days to go and the nugs are on the smaller side..

    I don't think there's anything wrong with them. They look nice and you're doing a good job. They need more time. The days breeders give is is just an estimate and also a sales pitch. It's also still being debated on how to calculate it, is meant to be vague, and your preference matters...