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  1. BeefSupreme

    Very newbie Question

    when the hairs turn red, it means its ready for harvest
  2. BeefSupreme


    Curing increases the flavor, gets rid of the "green" taste, makes the smoke smoother, preserves THC levels among others. To not cure would be like to drink fresh wine
  3. BeefSupreme

    Timer did not go off!

    2 hours isnt going to hurt them. It would take a day to really mess them up
  4. BeefSupreme

    PC Grow Question

    you might get a fat doobie out of a PC box, not sure why people do this...
  5. BeefSupreme

    light/heat burn?

    Tell us the temp and we will tell you if its heat stress :)
  6. BeefSupreme

    Clueless, Help!

    Its not bugs, its too much nutes, flush that shit!
  7. BeefSupreme

    Whats a good site 4 seed???! Ive ordered about 5 strains from these guys and their genetics are world class! Bought some Bubblegum-AK47 and Love Buzz, and got S.A.G.E and Elephant as my freebees! Great reputaion since 1998. I will always buy my seeds from them
  8. BeefSupreme

    easyRyder indoor day 15 any problems here?

    Looks wicked! id get some more light for it though or else it will stretch. get 125w or more in there if you can
  9. BeefSupreme

    10 Hour Light Cycle??? Good or bad?

    if anything you should go up to 13 or 14 hour days for the last week to give them a bit more growth. its too late for them to switch back to veg at that point, as long as you keep the light 14 or under
  10. BeefSupreme

    Nutes after Transplant?

    I second this :bigjoint:
  11. BeefSupreme

    What size CFL to use

    CFL's and LED's dont get that hot. If you box is going up that much, you need to seriously increase your ventilation! As for the lights, you want at least 150w of flouros to get any sort of a decent plant. Ive grown with flouros and ive switched to HPS and i will never go back. Flouros give you...
  12. BeefSupreme

    what light do you recomend?

    Thats a tight budget unless you want to use a bunch of CFL's, which i wouldnt recommend. Save up for some sort of HPS light, if you can afford a 400w you'd be set, probably 100-150 max. The light is the most important part, save up and do it right
  13. BeefSupreme

    I need a new fan

    I bought a 6" Axial Fan and it moves some serious air! Its moves about half as much as my 6" vortex, but its a wicked cheaper alternitive. Besides i usually have my 6" vortex on a quarter speed anyways
  14. BeefSupreme

    Does a Red CFL or two help for budding?

    maybe a couple 40+ watters, anything less wont help noticeably
  15. BeefSupreme

    predatory mites

    letting the soil dry out can usually kill bugs, but i would use neem oil as well. Not sure if it will work for your particular bugs, but it works on most of them and is all natural
  16. BeefSupreme

    watt the hell happeneddd

    heat usually makes them burn/curl. Sounds like you are over/underwatering. If your roots get too dry, the hair on them die and water/nutrient uptake is severely stunted. Try a rooting product. I use Rhizotonic, works wicked. Piranha from AN worked well too, although it was hard to mix
  17. BeefSupreme

    red/purple stems droopy leaves help!!

    loooks like they could use some more light. What is your ventilation like? that can usually cause them to wilt too
  18. BeefSupreme

    I need help from expert grower

    Well the reason its only 6 inches tall it cause it stops growing when it flowers. Definitely sounds like you got a lady which is good. I would keep her going for another year, let her veg in the spring and then she will try flowering again in the late summer. Make sure she gets lots of light...
  19. BeefSupreme

    help please

    wow were to start. pH looks off, that would cause the leafs to curl. The edges are burnt so that seems like nute burn. What is your temp at?
  20. BeefSupreme

    bushy plants

    Make sure you give them lots of light. Im talkin MH or HPS