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  1. algeezy509

    no nutes. just water for DWC?

    floranector hmm never used it, i'm am sorta a nube also,but i've done tones of reasearch and i have a couple uner my belt. I use the General Hydroponics three part block. Once I see leaves and put it under the lights i add nutes I use a 31 gallon tote for six pots I only put about ten gallons of...
  2. algeezy509

    Beaten to Death By Cops Over a Joint

    the worst experience i've had with the cops is when i run my mouth, like a cocky young man. the best or most easy going experiences come from me doing somthing stupid and then they confront me and i provide them with the same info they have provided me, but with respect. such as: hey we heard...
  3. algeezy509

    no nutes. just water for DWC?

    you can also use just a little super thrive for three weeks
  4. algeezy509

    no nutes. just water for DWC?

    you can make it for about a week maybe two, maybe three, but that is deffinately pushing it. Your roots, leaves, stem, the whole damn plant man, needs a certain amount of nutes the whole point of oxygenating the water is to help deliver the nutes to the roots non stop continues and this is what...
  5. algeezy509


    what's wrong with you
  6. algeezy509

    So my dad...

    use both cfls for side lighting
  7. algeezy509

    Take a look at my friend's setup!?! PLEASE!

    and those will be just fine some of them look like they are already taking to the rock wool keep faith i will work out.
  8. algeezy509


    either when a plant reaches it's maturity it will show sex you can flower early and it will show sex what seems to be earlier. you can clone your plants and put the clone in the flower room to dicover it's mothers sex you are going to need to reach out more and more as you go along i can't give...
  9. algeezy509

    will a regular halogen bulb affect my dark time in 12/12

    there is actually green bulbs that you can use :bigjoint:
  10. algeezy509

    HELP! Nutrient Deficiency or Burn or What?

    the plants will gradually get better which is what you need it doesn't happen over night they have a recovery process i'm no pro, but i have done tons of research and a couple ops, so trust me i'm not just bullshitten you.
  11. algeezy509

    HELP! Nutrient Deficiency or Burn or What?

    you shoud have posted on here before refeading, you need to flush them pure ph'd water all you need is nuetral 6.0 and you will do just fine, but if you see a burn don't feed flush first and if it worsens gradually step the nutes back up and they will gradually step up also.
  12. algeezy509

    will a regular halogen bulb affect my dark time in 12/12

    It could also make her go hermie and by trying to switch back to veg!:bigjoint:
  13. algeezy509

    My first CFL grow!!!

    very nice grow + rep what are you flowering under or are you just stickin wit da cfls if so right on i got some cfl action goin on now too my 2nd grow never got to flower the first ones, but they were healthy as fuck just like yours mine is hydro though, anyways sorry to jack your thread lookin...
  14. algeezy509

    What human food can be used in growing?

    tough guy all around but that's beside the point you pop your ass in here for two seconds and start poping off your just as bad as the next guy dumbass pm me if you go somting smart to say as i will not be reading anymore of your posts.:finger:
  15. algeezy509

    perpetual personel grow

    looks good man cant wait to see final product!:bigjoint:
  16. algeezy509

    please help!! Bud Problem with pics!!

    thank you green fire + rep
  17. algeezy509

    please help!! Bud Problem with pics!!

    HEy don that link didn't pop up as a link just as purple leaves click on it and read what they had to say i will keep looking for you though as mine are just 9 days old and are rather boring right now.
  18. algeezy509

    please help!! Bud Problem with pics!! they say lack of the p in NPK can cause purple leaves but i can't remember what it stands for either phospherus or pattasium i think correct me if i'm too stoned.
  19. algeezy509

    please help!! Bud Problem with pics!!

    im gonna google it now
  20. algeezy509

    please help!! Bud Problem with pics!!

    not sure but i think i saw a picture like this before under phospherus defficiency not sure though