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  1. sneakerhead702

    how many weeks till flowering stage?

    i wanna know how many weeks till a plant is in flowering stage? and when im in flowering stage do i chage the light to 12/12?
  2. sneakerhead702

    Saving energy wit lights?

    THANKS thats all i wanted to know
  3. sneakerhead702

    Saving energy wit lights?

    you kno wat im trynna say...i mean cuz theres some lights that conserve energy very well and theres some that raise your light bill so i just want to know wat are some good cfls that grow good plants but dont use so much energy till the point its noticable.
  4. sneakerhead702

    Saving energy wit lights?

    Hey im new to growing i plan on growing indoors and i want to know what are some lights to use that wont raise my electric there anything i can do about that. let me kno ppl.. thanks
  5. sneakerhead702

    when should i transplant??...and what size pot??

    I have my baby in a one of thos little styrofoam cups and its been only a week a few leafs are showing now not that tall I was wondering when should I put it in a a different pot like what week should I do that...and what size pot should I put it iin???...thanks
  6. sneakerhead702

    when should i start giving my plants food and nutrients

    I'm just using fox farm ocean forrest and I've only been growing for a week my plant is only on da 2 leaf stage so I was just wondering when should I start feeding it
  7. sneakerhead702

    when the head of the seed rises on top of the soil do i start putting light on it???

    Yea but a lot of people said it reallyy don't need liight when its a seedling when it comes out that's when you should be worrying about the lighting...because the first tiime I did iit I had my liight over it and it didn't even come out da soil then I took da seeds out and the taproot was all...
  8. sneakerhead702

    when the head of the seed rises on top of the soil do i start putting light on it???

    Because I planted my seed over a day ago and I just had it in da dark with a plastic bag over it wiit a heating pad under it and wit a humiditifier in the area....and the head of the seed rose above the soil but didn't sprout yet so it just standing up above da soil should I start giving it...
  9. sneakerhead702

    how do you do the plastic bag method???.. for humidty at seed stage

    So I can sprout my seeds above soil some said put a plastic bag over your cup for humidity....and would I need a liight.....can some one just explaine that whole scenerio for me thanks
  10. sneakerhead702

    Is Fox Farm Ocean Forest Really Too Strong For Seedlings?

    Cuz I'm hearing a lot of different answeres so I just want to kno straight up because I have FFOF and if its too strong for my seeds imma get a new let me kno thanks
  11. sneakerhead702

    i failed my first grow....plz help me maaan

    This was my first time growing......I germinated my seeds first then I went to go buy some fox farm. Ocean forest soil and. 2 growing pots they were lest then a gallon...and then I purchased a t5 6500K flor liight....I planted my seeds in the middle they wasn't that deep the head of seed was...
  12. sneakerhead702

    how can i raise my humidity level now is 32%

    Well I have a little bowl of water wit an ice pack in it to raise the humitdity a little biit but I guess its fine......and I didn't plat it that far I still have the seed of the head poken out but I covered it wit a little soil...and I just water it everyday hopefully I see results tomorrow
  13. sneakerhead702

    how can i raise my humidity level now is 32%

    Its been over 48 hours and my seed still haven't broke through the soil...and I don't kno if its the humidity level or what.....but I germinated my seeds in paper towel they sproted and now I'm waitin on them to break threw soil I have it in a. Reptile tank sitting on top of a box so it could be...
  14. sneakerhead702

    its been 48 hours and seeds havent broke threw the soil...anyone no why???

    That's what I did I germinated them first till the root came out then I planted iit....I said I planted them root first but kinda kept da head of the seed above soil..but iits covered just a lil biit.......I use the paper towel method to germinate
  15. sneakerhead702

    its been 48 hours and seeds havent broke threw the soil...anyone no why???

    I meant 48 hours my bad.....but okaay I will make sure I do that then thanks
  16. sneakerhead702

    its been 48 hours and seeds havent broke threw the soil...anyone no why???

    I have a closet set up I have my plant pots sitting in a fish tank on top of a box so it could be closer to my floro liight I have a 65000k growing floro liight wit 2 tubes ...and I give it 18hours of liight and 6 hours with out light .....I watered it last niight night just a little biit...
  17. sneakerhead702

    my soil looks dry on top but my moisture meter says its wet on da bottom is that koo?

    Okay so I'm in good hands then...thanks hommies
  18. sneakerhead702

    my soil looks dry on top but my moisture meter says its wet on da bottom is that koo?

    Its less then a gallon its not that biig but its bigg enough I'm just startin off wiit thiis one till it gets bigger.....when should it start to break threw the soil????
  19. sneakerhead702

    my soil looks dry on top but my moisture meter says its wet on da bottom is that koo?

    I was just wondering ..because I'm at the seed stage riight now and it hasent broke throu the soil yet it only been a day so I'm not expecting it to yet...but it looks dry on top but when I stick my moisture meter in the middle and the bottom its says its moist so I was wondering is that okay...
  20. sneakerhead702

    how far should my light be from plant ((seed stage))

    I have a growing liight 65000k flo light tK5 or what ever its called.....but I have it like. Very close to my plant lik 2 or 3 inches away...