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  1. darkdestruction420

    Veg plants growing balls CREP

    having a hermie plant is not enough to make other plants hermie. those veg plants will be fine as long as they are not clones of the hermie, in which case imo you might as well just kill em and start over.
  2. darkdestruction420

    Jesus just called me... he's pissed!

    what has gone on in his name in the past is far worse but i'll agree.
  3. darkdestruction420

    Jesus just called me... he's pissed!

    He just called me too, he wants the ps3 sent to my house along with all the games made for it so far. next christmas he wants a xbox 360 and all the games plus any ps3 games that have come out since the previous christmas sent to my house.
  4. darkdestruction420

    christmas lights on mj plants?

    it would make it look cool. thats a positive effect.
  5. darkdestruction420

    Hi and help me

    just wondering what are the penalties for smoking/possessing/growing marijuana in iran?
  6. darkdestruction420

    how long until harvest

    i'd guess 4 weeks. they look pretty immature to me still.
  7. darkdestruction420

    I need some help you guys. im seriously depressed.

    go beg your former boss for your job back and tell a sad story of some sort first though actually ask to talk to him somewhere private, it makes it look better when you start crying as it makes it look like you are telling him something you dont want others to know about and how upset you are...
  8. darkdestruction420

    Any idea what this strain maybe?

    what do you mean by female bud? that it was not pollinated by itself after going hermie and it was another plant that was the source of pollen to make the seed?
  9. darkdestruction420

    I seem unable to clone

    try water cloning. its pretty easy and no worrying about misting the clones or keeping them in a humidity dome.. here is one of the best guides on it ive ever seen. all credit goes to the original author. As easy as cloning is to the masses that use powder, liquid/gel rooting hormone, bubblers...
  10. darkdestruction420

    Any idea what this strain maybe?

    damn, them are some real beauties! nice job. I cant help you on what strain unfortunetly but i had to compliment them.
  11. darkdestruction420

    Reasons to Live

    damnit, i just fucking spent 25 minutes typing out a post trying to discuss bricktop and others views and a hypothetical situation ive contemplated that it made me remember and somehow the fucking autosave went and brought back a post from earlier in the thread while removing the stuff i had...
  12. darkdestruction420

    Pepsi plays us for fools with a 9-11 can sold over sea`s (picture)

    I'll give you that, Sure. However at the same time people also believe/see these and claim to have proof..... "The Flat Earth Wiki Welcome to the Flat Earth Wiki, otherwise known as The FEW. This website is dedicated to unraveling the true mysteries of the universe and demonstrating that the...
  13. darkdestruction420

    First Annual Darwin Awards 2011.....

    what are "Darwin Awards"? I've never heard of that.
  14. darkdestruction420

    QUick Beginners ?

    for kicks i decided to see how many generations(in theory assuming all 4 clones survive each time, ) it would take to get to a million plants from just one generation 1=1 plant generation 2=4 plants generation 3=16 plants generation 4=64 plants generation 5=256 plants generation...
  15. darkdestruction420

    QUick Beginners ?

    You dont need to keep mothers really which allows for more plants in the veg area that are getting ready to flower. Here is how. Go ahead and veg this first generation under the most lighting you can, the 600w. when you go to flower them go ahead and take about 4 clones from the lowest branches...
  16. darkdestruction420

    First time flowering, did one of my babies go hermie??

    The rest of the clones from that plant. To be a bit more specific. Honestly since reading you had no light stress issues i'd be willing to bet on the clones being hermies. in fact that almost looks like a male dominant genetic hermie as it seems to be pretty focused on making balls and a few...
  17. darkdestruction420

    Male Or Female? First Plants

    I would not get alarmed but when i zoom in to 400% it looks like i might see a bump that could be a male preflower in pic 2 of plant 1.
  18. darkdestruction420

    Reasons to Live

    If i had been in a more pessimistic mood when i responded i think you summed up what i would of wrote pretty well. i like the i live because i dont feel like dying part especially as thats how i kinda feel sometimes.
  19. darkdestruction420

    Test tube growing

    that book seems biased towards tissue culture and promoting it. I was hoping for something more substantial more focused on the clones degrading over a few years time when taken the normal way and yeild and quality suffering.
  20. darkdestruction420

    Test tube growing

    thats cool as hell. "traditional cloning methods cause the clones to become weaker and weaker the more you veer from the mother" can you show me where you found that? I've heard it before but never saw any proof at all and in fact seen people with perpetual grows who do clones of clones each...