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  1. vilify

    is there anywhere online to trade seeds?

    never said anything about international trading. PO box or not, it takes the same route, goes through the same sorting facilities.
  2. vilify

    is there anywhere online to trade seeds?

    called PO Boxes.
  3. vilify

    is there anywhere online to trade seeds?

    i am not really aware of any sites where they have any trading targeted toward seeds. Just might have to include that in my project ;)
  4. vilify

    A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***

    they stay in breeder packs most of the time. if they are taken out, they are clearly labeled. ALWAYS do stealth shipping. I always do stealth, and crush proof tins.
  5. vilify

    can i grow and sell 154 plants in michigan?

    Actually if I recall correctly... 72 plants max per caregiver. 5 patients + themselves. With a co-op, which is not allowed in every city/county is max 100 plants per 1 property. If you have multiple caregivers with multiple properties, then you could go over the 100, but I dont even really...
  6. vilify

    Lighting input please :)

    i say that is fine. how are you setting up the cfls? i would suggest using them for side lighting.
  7. vilify

    How do I use compost tea?

    if your compost is complete then you can replace your nutes. the above link is probably a good place to start. if you are looking at doing compost teas, you should look at making super soil instead. that is what I will be doing. just water, and then you can still use additives if you want/need...
  8. vilify

    little flying bugs

    gnats. and i use go gnats, but its basically a cedar wood extract. im sure you could find it pretty cheap at a local store.
  9. vilify

    Just need some info on parabolic umbrella reflector ??????

    i measured footcandles before and after my air cooled, and it did not drop at all. if you dont maintain the glass, there will be a drop, but really, how long does it take to clean a 2x3 piece of glass.
  10. vilify

    Has anyone cut all the sugar leaves off and left only the fan leaves when drying?

    to help the buds take longer i tend to leave branches together, then trim the buds off for curing when they are ready.
  11. vilify

    Green House Seeds Co

    G13, ch9, dinafem, dna, gage green, mr nice, paradise, hazeman, sensi, tga, th seeds, wos. i have a few other breeders i either have strains from, or will be trying strains from, but thats my main list.
  12. vilify

    6 plants / 12-17 years in prison!!!!!??

    Respect for the decision. I figured you were just some kid that had nothing to lose.. lol I still stand by what I said, but there is always that slim chance of getting in trouble.
  13. vilify

    Week 7 still no buds?

    My mammoth started flowering really early under 18/6. just cut it down though. didnt have room, and dont care for auto's
  14. vilify

    6 plants / 12-17 years in prison!!!!!??

    like i said before. if its for personal use, and it will be more of a slap on the wrist. the laws are really in place to prevent distribution. which is why there are also harsh penalties on transportation. dont worry about it. I have been growing well more than 6 plants, and although medically...
  15. vilify

    6 plants / 12-17 years in prison!!!!!??

    If there is no evidence of growing for distribution, they usually just take the plants and slap you with a possession charge. I have seen this multiple times. Assuming these are federal punishments. The feds are not going to come to your place over 3 plants, I can guarantee you that. and even...
  16. vilify

    What was your yield after adding a xxxl hood?

    im also running my light right on top of these. if you are willing to lift the light some, you could fit 6 short plants with supercropping fairly easy. i will be running 4 large plants per hood with light rails.
  17. vilify

    What was your yield after adding a xxxl hood?

    not doing anything to them this run. was first run from seed, so im narrowing down the keeper pheno. and I actually have 9 plants under the 1 light. 5 under the other. running 600w's for the time being, but will be upping to 1000 when my bulbs need replacing. anyone who likes XXXL hoods should...
  18. vilify

    What was your yield after adding a xxxl hood?

    i have 5 plants comfortably under mine, could fit 6 12/12 from clone, currently 1.5 - 2 feet tall.
  19. vilify

    Has anyone cut all the sugar leaves off and left only the fan leaves when drying?

    i have tried both trimming and not trimming, and saw no difference. havent tried leaving fan leaves though, thats usually the first thing I do is pluck fans.