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  1. Bargar

    decisions, decisions. need your input

    Might I suggest you try out a 250W Ceramic metal halide by phillips. It's also called a HPS retro white bulb. It only runs on a magnetic ballast, but it keeps your moms short and stout!
  2. Bargar

    Organic cheap nutes solution

    Oh, i forgot! You should call a few local nurseries and see if they have the sea kelp, I got a 5lb bag locally for $11.
  3. Bargar

    Organic cheap nutes solution

    Hi Qazy, I have two ideas for you. Check out BMO on ebay, they have some great products rather cheap! Bottled stuff aside, I would really give guano's a bit more consideration. When I do a compost tea, guano is one of my many ingrediants (Ancient forest, Earth worm castings, alfalfa meal, sea...
  4. Bargar

    Dinafem fruit automatic

    Very nice chummerbum, your pics are definitely welcome in this thread! I forgot to add, I used a 250W phillips HPS reto white bulb (AKA CMH) with a 18/6 Light schedule from start to finish... I absolutely LOVE the CMH >_<
  5. Bargar

    Dinafem fruit automatic

    This strain took me 64 days from seed, yielded 42 grams, and smells skunky. Grown in Coco using the Canna A+B, Liquid karma, with 10 days of PK 13/14, and some occasional compost tea. This is it after being made pretty for the camera! Smoke report to come in a couple weeks!
  6. Bargar

    Whats wrong with my leaves? Subcools super soil

    Oh and to Jpill, I use 20ml of Liquid karma per 5 gallons of tea, still trying to use up some I bought for my first grow with the botanicare line.
  7. Bargar

    Whats wrong with my leaves? Subcools super soil

    Wetdog -I don't use tap water at all any more because when I use it in a tub with airstones the PH shifts too much, and I do not trust my local water company to remove bad things, whatever they may be. I started using RO doing DWC, so since I have the filter installed, I might as well use it! I...
  8. Bargar

    Trichrome Question on 100% purple strains

    In my opinion the hairs are a bad indicator of when to pull something. In one of my flowering rooms I use 2 400W CMH bulbs, and they seem to always turn the hairs from white to another color FASTER than the plants in my 600W hps flowering room. What did you yield off of the plant pulled early?
  9. Bargar

    Mini Shrooms a problem?

    I would share the same concerns as roidrage... To be safe, you may want to use a aerated compost tea with compost, earthworm castings, and some ancient forest, with 1tsp of molasses per 1gal of water. Mix all that up and aerate it for 12-18 hours at around 70F, then use it on your plants. This...
  10. Bargar

    Spider mites just moved in, advice?

    Laso azamax, azatrol, and other neem based products are good to use as a preventative (They mess with the spider mites ability to reproduce, but often times with a full blown infestation they will not work 100%)
  11. Bargar

    Spider mites just moved in, advice?

    I like using the hot shot pest strips that spew noxious poisens for Spider mites. A tobacco tea made with the tobacco from 3 organic cigarettes is a good organic alternative. Also you could try a sulfur vaporizer. My main suggestion would be to kill all affected plants and burn them, clean the...
  12. Bargar

    can someone look at this for me? it hasn't grown in 3 weeks

    That would be a question to ask in the DWC section I think, I'm sure someone over there will know the answer to that.
  13. Bargar

    Are my plants too cold? First time grower here!

    the colors you see are caused by colder temps, also Phosphorus becomes hard for a plant to use at colder temps, causing what looks like a lockout. Temps aside thats a nice job for CFL's! I would suggest getting more CFL's closer to the plant like 1 per bud site lol.... Aside from that and the...
  14. Bargar

    Trichrome Question on 100% purple strains

    IMO you pulled it too early, the fastest flowering non auto MJ plant I have seen was 52 days flowering in soil (Cole train, rare pheno). The damaged trichomes may have been caused by touching the plants, or pressing a microscope up to them.
  15. Bargar

    Should I worry about these? What is wrong with my plants?

    oh yeah, and high humidity in flowering = bad mojo
  16. Bargar

    Should I worry about these? What is wrong with my plants?

    Those kids are trying to evaporate as much water as possible, so I would suggest letting the pots dry out until the pots feel light when you pick them up. I would also suggest getting a dehumidifier for your room, or adjacent room. A cheaper temporary route would be to buy some "Damprid" and...
  17. Bargar

    What is making my leaves do this?

    Looks very similar to some wind damage I have had before. I see your in soil, mind if I ask what kind of soil, and what the PH is of the water going into and draining out of the soil?
  18. Bargar

    can someone look at this for me? it hasn't grown in 3 weeks

    My first suggestion would be to try soil out. If you don't want to do that, get an Reverse osmosis water system and add cal-mag to that up to 100-150ppm maybe some veg nutrients up to 175ppm total. Make sure your PH is right on 5.8 constantly. If not that, then use regular tap water PH'd to 5.8...
  19. Bargar

    Need ideas on how to seal a vent NON permenantly

    So I have a forced air intake vent in my 2x4 closet. I just recently bought a hepa filter to fit into it, but there is a small gap where unfiltered air passes through. I have wood floors and do not want to damage them sealing up the gap, any suggestions? my first thought was duct tape, but I am...
  20. Bargar

    Whats wrong with my leaves? Subcools super soil

    well, my tap water varies from 150ppm-350ppm throughout the year, and I used to use a few different hydro methods so imo I needed the stability of RO's PH (my tap water would shoot up a whole point in 24 hours). Should I be using additives to my RO (besides silica)??