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  1. NickNasty

    Why ACT is mainly used only in the Cannabis world?

    I use it every once in awhile and can see the benefits for certain applications where just straight compost wont help. But I also think that once you have a healthy soil that the need becomes less and less.
  2. NickNasty

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    Just to be clear from the reading I have done I don't think the type of roof you have matters too much when collecting rain water. What does matter is getting rid of the first bit of runoff. I would probably use a filter if I were drinking the water off of any type of roof. And from my research...
  3. NickNasty

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    I have done a little bit of research on asphalt verses metal roofs for gardens and found that both have there pros and cons asphalt roofs are made from oil and as they break down they can leave chemicals in your water some of the more expensive types also have something in them to stop algae...
  4. NickNasty

    SHAFTED by Attitude

    It's not attitudes fault. Complain to the breeder or a least go about it in a different way. I just popped 21 seeds from them and all are healthy not 1 didn't sprout. And even if none of them had sprouted its not the distributors fault its either your fault or the seed companies fault. If you...
  5. NickNasty

    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    Nope I have helped others set them up but haven't got around to setting mine up. I moved to where I live now just a little over a year ago and had other stuff around the house and in the garden that took priority. As far as the mortar/pestle I just need one.:blsmoke:
  6. NickNasty

    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    I'm just getting the stuff together to start vermicomposting. Just ordered a mortar/pastel and some nursery flats. I got everything else.
  7. NickNasty

    Headtreep's Collection of Natural Organic DANK

    I have not grown his gear but have done a lot of research on him and from everything I have read the complaints you see are because of his prices not his genes/seeds. Since we are talking about breeders if any of you can get a hold of anything Breeder Steve did from Spice of Life I would...
  8. NickNasty

    Headtreep's Collection of Natural Organic DANK

    Those are all good breeders. I have Chimera's C4 waiting to be popped and just popped Goji OG. I also have Chocolate Rain which I got from Sannies and I love it.
  9. NickNasty

    Headtreep's Collection of Natural Organic DANK

    Hey headtreep what are you using that is keeping them so green throughout flower?
  10. NickNasty

    Shiskaberry Smoke Report

    I just popped 10 of these it is a favorite of mine from back in the day and I can't wait for to see how they do. 10 for 10 have popped from the soil. Order them from Cash Crop Ken at Vancouver seed bank, they now take credit cards from a sister company and ship to the US. I will let you all know...
  11. NickNasty

    4 sweettooth#3/c99 x sweettooth#3/blockhead,3 skunk/kush organic!

    Where did you get those seeds?
  12. NickNasty

    Dinafem Power Kush

    I didn't like the hashplant its been awhile since I grew it but it was not a keeper in my opinion.
  13. NickNasty

    Constant moisture levels or wet / dry cycles?

    I do a wet/dry cycle and when I water I water to the point where I have standing water in my trays underneath. The water usually gets soaked up within a day. I haven't seen adverse effects cause of this unless I don't let them dry out. I have thought about using blumats or the like but I run a...
  14. NickNasty

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    I have aloe but it would never produce enough to use it my garden. The plants did seem to like the root drench although I didnt see a huge difference but its only been a day and my plants were healthy and happy to begin with so didn't expect miracles. It will probably be something I add to the...
  15. NickNasty

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    I use to worry about it, then I got a Can 150 for my grow the thing is 5 ft tall and 150 lbs, but the fucker works. I have had it over a year and still no smell and for 350$ thats less then a 1$ a day to keep me from worrying about it. I live in a city and have a shared driveway with my...
  16. NickNasty

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    Got Aloe and Coconut Water at my local grocery store today and did a soil drench with both. One Aloe leaf did my whole 60+ plant garden and it took 8 bottles of Coconut water to do it all. The Aloe and the Coconut Water were 2$ a piece. The Aloe took a bit to figure out how to get the most out...
  17. NickNasty

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    Got Aloe Vera and Coconut Water at Meijer today. The Aloe Vera was 2$ and the Coconut Water was on sale 2 for 4$
  18. NickNasty

    the "white"

    White Sage might be a good cross...
  19. NickNasty

    Grow stores got bugs!!!

    I don't think it was intentional. I have friends who work at a grow shop and people always come in and bring bugs into the store. I remember 1 time I was in the store and a guy walks in with a plastic baggie and he is like check out these ladybug cocoons we check them out and on a fresh tobacco...
  20. NickNasty

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    How much clay do you guys add to your mix