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  1. NickNasty

    Anyone tried growing/smoking Sour Secret

    I yielded 4.5 doing it single cola style and got maybe 3 lst'ing But I did get some seeds on it from another plant and I think it pretty much stopped growth as soon as it was hit.
  2. NickNasty

    Anyone tried growing/smoking Sour Secret

    I have the indica pheno it is very LA Con dominate in structure and the Sour Diesel/LA Con mix well in smell and flavor. It yields OK < I have had better luck with it as a single cola then main lined but that could be just because last run I had hermies on another strain and the Secret Sours got...
  3. NickNasty

    So supersoil users, who is using brix readings ?

    They have special press for it. You can also use a garlic press or a mortar and pestle or a couple of flat pieces of metal in between a vice grip. Just roll up a newer leaf in to a ball and squeeze with the press you only need a drop or 2.
  4. NickNasty

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    Frogs and lizards will eat earwigs you can also use citrus oil to kill them they come out at night so thats the best time to get them. Also spinosad will kill them you could get sluggo plus its organic pest bate with spinosad in it. It's safe for animals but it can also kill bees so I wouldn't...
  5. NickNasty

    Strains with great taste. :)

    That is probably because most of us grow organic (since this is in organics) which you do not need to flush. If your growing with chemicals your flavor is compromised anyway but you should definitely flush. If you are growing organically there is really no need since you are feeding the soil...
  6. NickNasty

    Cann's Organic No-Till Garden

    Got this compliments of Rising Moon in the thread. It is at least one way of going about this. I'm getting a couple of my outdoor beds ready as well.. LOVING my front yard right now as its exploding with white...
  7. NickNasty

    Strains with great taste. :)

    Hey myco you should really think about recycling your soil. And with amendments look into buying them in bulk like 50 lb bags, the price goes down by 50% or more when you buy them that way.
  8. NickNasty

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Don't know about the dandelion or clays but I use coconut/aloe water once a week some will use it almost every watering but that can get expensive.
  9. NickNasty

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Yes just use the bokashi like regular compost and add it with the rest of the amendments.
  10. NickNasty

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    -i cant source kelp so im going to fetch some brown seaweeds from the beach... should i wash, dry and pulverize them before adding to soil and teas? Yes I would wash and dry and crumble. -blond peat moss from the baltic.. cant find any place that has spaghnum peat Never tried it but I would...
  11. NickNasty

    Cool Jars?

    Nice Balls :blsmoke: In fact Ideal :hump:
  12. NickNasty

    So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

    Anybody know where to get bulk kelp meal for cheap say 50 lbs. I can find it online for cheap but the shipping gets you. I live in the lansing area so someplace within a 50 mile radius would be best.
  13. NickNasty

    Sannies Sugar Punch

    I saw on his forum where he tried to do a seed run back in march and for whatever reason the pollen didn't take on Sugar Punch. He said he would be trying to make seeds of it as fast as possible but it could take 3 months so maybe in June-July. Also just wanted everyone to got my seeds today. I...
  14. NickNasty

    Worm problem, Mites

    What Cann said... Also if you are using the pulp from a juicer be aware that worms do not like citrus, this can add too much acidity and it will kill the worms. Now that is not to say you cant add citrus you just have to be aware and not add too much at a time. What will happen is the citrus...
  15. NickNasty

    Strains with great taste. :)

    Soma's NYCD is probably the best tasting weed I have smoked. He does very limited runs of seeds so that would be why I think the price is higher. Getting a good cure will make all the difference in some strains others like OG and HeadBand don't need as much of a cure to get the flavor out of...
  16. NickNasty

    Soil Food Web Gardening with Compost Teas

    To make a good fungal tea you should really give the fungus a head start before adding it to your tea to do this take oat bran or if you have pets dry dog or cat food and grind it up and moisten it and let it sit for a few days. You will see fungus start to grow on it and soon it will be like a...
  17. NickNasty

    Sannies Sugar Punch

    Do you have to sign for seeds from sannies? I placed an order and they have it at the post office and say I need to sign for it.
  18. NickNasty

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Just a heads up you will probably need a nylon bag or sieve to run the aloe thru before you add it to your sprayer or it will most likely get clogged.
  19. NickNasty

    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    how many lbs of worms did you get?
  20. NickNasty


    That is what I use for spinosad.