I can't use anything more than a 75w.
The only question I have is,
Out of 5' that leaves us 28"-32" of plant space.
For that, what would a 75w illuminate foliage all the way to the bottom?
Or would I be doing a fair bit of pruning?
Here's a more refined question:
12" for the flowerpot.
We'll call it 8" tall for the reflector, and some air above the bulb.
Another 8"-12" for light space without burning,
So 28"-32" of space taken up by stuff.
Out of 5' that leaves us 28"-32" of plant space.
For that, what would...
Wait does slower growth necessarily induce dense branching?
Can dense growth happen on cannabis in a growth spurt?
I had a plant that got to be like 20 branches tall, but it was like 8" tall.
He was beautiful.
But I killed him when I found his balls.
Stupid manbush.
I read through at least ten pages of this, everyone seems to go for 400+ lights.
Does anyone know some of the best deals on a 75w/150w HPS?
& Reflector Hoods?
Well I want the light intensity of the HPS.
I want it to pierce through and get the leaves all the way to the bottom, which is why I only want a 2.5' tree.
That way I don't have to worry about illuminating lower branches.
I understand cfls, it's what I currently use.
I just want it to be one...
Keeping a seedling that has emerged from the soil, in a humidity dome, will highly raise risk of damping off.
Keep the lid of the dome on until they emerge from soil, then remove.
I want to build a 5'x2.5'x2.5' Cabinet for one plant at a time.
I saw an ad a while back for a $10 75w HPS light, the bulb/reflector circle bulb.
Basically a worklight.
Would this work/be safe?
I will be using a 12" tall flowerpot, and basically growing 2'-3' Trees. One at a time.
Would the...
Friend, you are wrong.
Please, don't believe me, and go grow a plant with one hour of night every night.
Seriously, do it.
You will see the silliest little retarded flowers and mostly veg growth ever.
Go for it, do it.
You just got a bad phenotype methinks.
For that particular strain, 1000's of different growth "styles" exist.
Looks like you randomely got one that weakly flowers.
You say pistols are forming, are they just pre-flowers, or flowering branches?
I say let it run out for the rest of the season...
Your going to fuck up horrible if you plant 82 plants, randomely, without a schedule, experience, or assistance
Seriously, stick to your two cuttings and maybe a few aks.
Plant like 5 of them and practice this year.
The plant is barely going to catch any light at all, for the amount of space it takes up, and the amount of leaf area it has to catch light, and positioning of these leaves, it's really going to just be a pain in the ass.
But it's the growers choice really.
You didn't even read what I said did you?
Please, put more thought into it.
If you take a plant, and give it the following schedule, it will remain in vegetative state;
Because there is one hour of light, every night, at the exact...
I believe it's a horrible idea.
Also the chances that you'll get a phenotype that is desirable, are rediculously small.
If experimenting on cannabis, it's just not worth the money unless you have tens of thousands of seeds of one strain to dispose of.
Seriously bad idea.
I don't know about...
I believe I remember a few things..
I know for a fact warmer soil with slightly cooler ambient air helps the plant healthwise, I don't know if it affects density though.
I believe it was Slightly cooler days. Or maybe the other way around.
But I know its only a small difference for max...
I admit I gave a crude reply, but when I see a plant, that doesn't have a single large fan leaf all the way up, except for some tiny bud leaves that died ages ago, I don't have much patience.
What happened was definately N deficiency, possible coupled with heat/light stress.
Looks like you'll...
Be careful, a LOT of people say that FF has imbalanced nutrients, and that LW can burn plants. Especially seedlings.
It sounds like you're drowning the piss out of them bro.
When you germinate with the paper towel method, all you have to do is plant them in soil, and lightly water them...
I'll be chill too, so don't take offense;
If a plant were in flower, and you gave it one hour of light, every night, at the same time, then it would revert to vegetative.
If the plant notices any type of pattern in your light schedule it will follow it.
I'm not saying he's going to work on...