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  1. PussymOneyWeed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

    Haha, Pokemon blue was the shit! Fuck red sonnnn. lol But yeah anyways both of my dishes have came from Faded. I might have to add a third one here soon assuming he busts out another nice white or white lipped dish. Ive been so broke lately that i haven't had anything new to add to the...
  2. PussymOneyWeed

    Thinking Of Coming Clean To My Parents...

    Ah fuck that, that's way too much for trimming haha. She can have some buds, take a dab or two, and if im feelin nice i'll pick her up so she doesnt have to waste her gas to get here. LOL
  3. PussymOneyWeed

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    Yeah i'd agree, if anything use that $55+(counting shipping) on 2 more basters, a can or two of butane, and some random parts to rig up a multi-baster holder. It's gonna do the same thing that the o'keif would, just faster. Personally I just don't like the idea of unloading multiple cans of...
  4. PussymOneyWeed

    Bronco Two 1988 Goin 2-5 mph I Pressed Breaks And Put Car In Park And Heard Crunch...

    LOL I believe i agree with the troll for the first time.
  5. PussymOneyWeed

    Thinking Of Coming Clean To My Parents...

    I wish my mom would trim for me, less weed id have to give away to my friends for help. -_- She has no problem wanting to try out the harvest though, go figure. haha
  6. PussymOneyWeed

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    Holy balls Verde hahaha. Yeah you just used a case of tane on an ounce. But hey now you know and it wont be so hard or time consuming next time haha. Alteast you popped your blasting cherry, I'm glad you're finally gettin hooked on errlllz. :hump: I really need to go get me some parchment...
  7. PussymOneyWeed

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    Nice! I really wanted that dish after i saw it haha. I'm really diggin the white lipped dishes artists have been bustin out lately.
  8. PussymOneyWeed

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    i know with buds you use one can per ounce, and the turkey baster holds roughly 7 grams(6-8 depending on buds). So you get to pack the turkey baster about 3-4 times per can. But when your dealing with trim i'm not 100 percent positive at the moment. Ill try and find out real quick for ya though...
  9. PussymOneyWeed

    I Think I Just Became A Big Hit In China!

    Nothing new, has happened to me atleast twice now. Just noticed that we have the same number so i guess its not random everytime.
  10. PussymOneyWeed

    I Just Got Ripped Off By Major League Basebal!!!

    Yeah it sucks and all, and not tryin to be a dick, but how did you not know this? I'm not even that big into sports and i know all about blackouts. Start googling, there is websites that stream the game live while its playin to get around the blackouts and its freeee.
  11. PussymOneyWeed

    [How To]: Butane Honey Hash Oil (Videos and Pictures)

    So i know i never posted the pics of my errll. In true stoner fashion i went over to my buddies house to blast, I film the actual first blast(of 4) and the beggining of the purging, and sure enough my camera's battery died seconds after we start poppin the bubbles. So did you decide when your...
  12. PussymOneyWeed

    Hash For Trimmings

    i would make BHO or canna-butter with it. I know thats not what you asked but just personal preference. IDK about the grinder thing though id imagine you're gonna get some pretty impure hash that way though, just sayin..
  13. PussymOneyWeed

    Vaporizing hash, BHO etc?

    To vaporize my hash i use a HMK "Kut" curve and a Ti pad. But no, you can't use your Silver surfer for BHO.
  14. PussymOneyWeed

    What Is The Most Common Question?

    Are you serious guys? Guaranteed the most asked question on RIU is hands down "does this plant look finished?" or "how much long til its done" If you dont agree then clearly you've never been outside of toke n talk haha! Oh and before another thread pops up asking what the most common answer...
  15. PussymOneyWeed

    Good Bong Fix!...

    Probably so she wouldn't have to deal with you anymore =O
  16. PussymOneyWeed

    i banned myself for 10 days

    Ahh so thats where ya been, Well it's good to have ya back. =D
  17. PussymOneyWeed

    ~~Rollitup 2011 Giveaway Contest~~Who is interested?

    This contest is not being executed very thoroughly o_0 I don't get the point of just having such a broad range of topics. So basically we just taking a picture of anything, but we must include one of the mentioned logos for proof purposes?
  18. PussymOneyWeed

    Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here] ^this is glassworkoranges etsy site that they had to take everything off of. I just read it again and it says to email them at [email protected] if you want to know about any of there "420" related items. So i'd just email him Verde and tell him...
  19. PussymOneyWeed

    ~~Rollitup 2011 Giveaway Contest~~Who is interested?

    250 people? this thread is 16 pages and you have like 12 people in the contest, Don't you think thats gonna take awhile? id say 100 would be plenty and even thats gonna take a minute to get too. But whatever, i guess count me in.
  20. PussymOneyWeed

    How the hell do u post big pics??? Driving me nuts

    Hover your mouse over the pic and click on the pencil and hit large or full size.