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  1. stumps

    DIY cool tube question

    I did that very same thing, but have since moved on to vented hood. I still have lots of glass tubes. lol I only broke one in the couple years I used it.
  2. stumps

    Bubble Cloner Problems?? Exp'd Please Help!

    I made a cloner out of a 2.5 gal plastic pail. used a fish tank air pump with two bubble stones. could do 5 clones at a time. I used tap water from well. I didn't add anything to the clone or water. run it under a 40w florescent tube light kept temps at 83. I swear I could go pick up sticks out...
  3. stumps

    Honey oil with galvanized steel?

    Myself I use glass, plastic or stainless. It's funny what can cause static electricity.
  4. stumps

    Please please help me !!

    Yep I don't argue my point. Plant is drooping and cupping. Heat could also be a factor. I use vented hoods so have no issues with heat. If hood isn't vented Light needs to be pretty High. You should have a fan or something moving air with or without heat issues. Good rule of thumb. use your hand...
  5. stumps

    Please please help me !!

    Don't know much about bio grow but your over watering. so probably over nuting also. water them good then let your soil dry out before you water again. The light shouldn't hurt at all.
  6. stumps

    First Grow Questions!

    Don't think you would need two fans inside your box.
  7. stumps

    Best 12 hours to stay DARK....?

    Don't really matter when you have dark time. What ever works best for you is the best time.
  8. stumps

    4000w electrical question in garage

    Kind of depends on your building codes and what you need or want to do.
  9. stumps

    do helicopters really fly over and...

    I was at a buddys place last year helping him with his outdoor grow. We had been watching a chopper flying the river looking for plants. Then we watch him get closer and closer. the guy flys over from the back to the front of his house. The guy makes a turn right over his house and comes back...
  10. stumps

    huge BHO run big tube tips please

    3.5 does me for a month or more. If friends and family come around it lasts a night.
  11. stumps

    help with clones

    I'm no expert in cloning. But I use a diy bubble cloner and keep my room temp at 80 and run a 40w flour tube 24/7. I've had roots in as little as 48 hours. and toss them if they go over 7 days.
  12. stumps

    huge BHO run big tube tips please

    For years I've used a 14"x3/4 tube. Just went to 14"x1; tube. last run was 30g of bud trim. yield was 3.56g. with two cans. Seems like the yields are about the same per gram.
  13. stumps

    help with clones

    What kind of temps are you running? They should be right at 80.
  14. stumps

    Need help choosing lighting! Good 150 watt systems?

    Telling you 400w is the min. for a grow.
  15. stumps

    hermie or not hermie

    It's at least male.
  16. stumps

    Building a 60,000 square foot outdoor legal grow in Washington State HELP!

    That would be north eastern Wa. Wa is great for climates. we have them all. north east is foot hills south east is a basin pretty much desert. southwest is rain forest and northwest is coastal.
  17. stumps

    Need help choosing lighting! Good 150 watt systems?

    imo go with a 400w hps ballast and use chm lights. one bulb for the whole grow.
  18. stumps

    Building a 60,000 square foot outdoor legal grow in Washington State HELP!

    lol I had a G13 that would have taken the back 1/3 of the greenhouse the first year. had lots of room this year with 5. heat was a big issue. Things didn't take off till the heat broke. best yielding plant this year was just shy of a lb. Guess your to new to the forums to IM.
  19. stumps

    Building a 60,000 square foot outdoor legal grow in Washington State HELP!

    You might think about a light deprivation chamber and do some potted also. After veg you can get at least two harvests in a summer. It's kind of a cool set up flowering with full summer sun.
  20. stumps

    Building a 60,000 square foot outdoor legal grow in Washington State HELP!

    My greenhouse is 10x22 first year I did 11 plants. last year I did 5.