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  1. stumps

    i will never paint without primer again.

    What's it made out of?
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    Help with a water problem.

    I don't much care for distilled or ro water. If your really into it you can add back everything you need, but if you don't know how and why you add stuff filtered water and standard nutes is the best bet. just my thoughts.
  3. stumps

    i will never paint without primer again.

    If you want good cover for white paint add L-5 per gal.
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    How cold is too cold?

    when daytime temps get below 70 things start to slow a bunch. I still have a sativa out and haven't seen 70 in over a week. Not sure it's going to finish before it freezes. indica's are all but done curing.
  5. stumps

    i will never paint without primer again.

    I buy more primer then paint in most cases. one heavy prime coat and two light top coats. Prep is 90% of a paint job. I also tint my primer something just a bit lighter then the top coat. lol sorry I can talk paint all night.
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    Is it ready for harvest?

    I would say no. How long has it been in flower? looks to me it could go at least a couple more weeks.
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    Romney vs. Reality

    It's to bad all we get is two choices. But I'll take Mitt over Barry any day of the week.
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    Could these be bad seeds?

    how old is old stock. I've sprouted seeds that were more then 15 years old. Don't know that i would have paid for them but they did sprout and grow into some "lol killer red bud"
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    those cfl's should be just about touching the plant. never had much luck with cfl's after the sprout stage.
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    Switching to 12/12

    Never done it. see no reason to.
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    germinated long til pops soil?

    Just my point of view but I like the 12hr soak for a little head start. Anyone that has grown for awhile has his/her way that works the bestest. There is a 1000 ways to get to the end. you'll find the way you like best.
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    germinated long til pops soil?

    After soaking and planting I'll never go back to germing in paper soak for 12 hours plant with just enough soil to cover seed. Water well keep temps around 80. I've had them pop in 24 hours. But have had them take a week or more also. it's all about temps.
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    How fresh must the air be for indoor grow?

    Isn't normal co2 around 400 ppm's in air?
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    germinated long til pops soil?

    like with clones. I try to keep temps at 80 or a little higher.
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    germinated long til pops soil?

    1/2 inch is pretty deep. I don't pre germ anymore. Just soak and plant. I only have enough soil to cover the seed. You might carefully remove a little of the 1/2 inch
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    How to set up CFL Globe

    it's probably a mogul socket and you'll need the ballast for it too.
  17. stumps

    If Republican ideas are so good

    Their all a bunch of crooks. Don't matter what party your with. It's not that the republican party ideas are good. Just better then anything Obama has planned.
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    sending weed thru US mail?

    I've shipped all over. But always in a box. Neither fed ex or ups looks for the stuff and near as I can tell usps doesn't either.
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    Ryan tells Paul supporters, don't vote for Ron Paul, else you will get Obama elected

    It's true. Got to vote the most popular R. to make sure Obama doesn't see another term. Vote the best of the worst.