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  1. stumps

    First sign of spider mites what do i use??

    I used Organocide 3 in 1 spray. seemed to work good with only one spray. don't have any bugs at all now. I did spray twice with neam oil before I used this stuff. Nice little patch you got going.
  2. stumps

    Pot bust hour away from me

    what state is that in?
  3. stumps

    My First Seeds Order - Advice ?

    IMO Find some bag seed and do a grow before you spend money on seeds.
  4. stumps

    SAD auto grow outdoor

    Don't have a clue. guess would be ak40. At least that was the batch of seeds they came from. Got males, hermies, full blown girls. Thought these would be done months ago but they just keep getting bigger. I tossed a bunch of them due to number of plants I'm allowed.
  5. stumps

    SAD auto grow outdoor

    auto 001.jpg (82.1 KB) couple of auto's just about done.
  6. stumps

    Smoke daily, much?

    Smoke daily all day every day. Nice to grow your own haven't been out in years. Been daily or all most daily for 30 years.
  7. stumps

    Stressed about the drying process..

    I started off with large boxes that would fit inside the big plastic yard bags. just ran string and hung limbs from the string. I sealed the box with a small fan in side. put the bag over it to seal it up fairly air tight. opened the box once a day till bud was about dry. At about 70 it took 6...
  8. stumps

    Watering Your Plants Correctly - What is your strategy? What is the best strategy?

    yes I think that's about right. You should get about a 10% run off with that. If you don't get a 10% run off adjust up or down until you do. The amount will change with the size of the root ball. I try to water slow enough to get all the water in the pot before the runoff starts.
  9. stumps

    gun law reform... please!

    Move to canada
  10. stumps

    Help how do i get rid whatever is destroying my crops

    Shotgun works best. FYI my chicken coop has 7' fence didn't even slow him down. got in took my roosters head off and back out.
  11. stumps

    been a week and my clones have no roots? help pleaseee

    It can take weeks for roots to start. keep em going they will root.
  12. stumps

    Sealed Glass Jars for bothe curring and storage...BEST and most economical please?!

    mason jars are great for small amounts. use 5 gal plastic buckets for large amounts. they work great for storage. If you do a good cure you should never have to spay anything on your bud. I used jars until I started having large amounts.
  13. stumps

    Watering Your Plants Correctly - What is your strategy? What is the best strategy?

    There is no right way to water plants you have to consider lots of things. pot size, growth rate, temp, humidity and so on. I stick to checking when my soil is dry. small pots I feel weight of the pot when they get light I water. I water slow to let the soil pick up as much moisture as possible...
  14. stumps

    Help how do i get rid whatever is destroying my crops

    I have lots of raccoon's around here. They raise hell with the chickens but have never messed with the plants. Pheasants on the other hand seem to like to nest in them. You might try a bunch of rat traps not sure you would want to bait the traps it would just bring more of whatever is messing...
  15. stumps

    Skunk #1

    I'm growing skunk #1 this year. I got 2 out of 3 to sprout. the two that sprouted are looking good. They kind of look like the g-13 I did last year. I have high hopes for them.
  16. stumps

    First shot using teas from worm compost high in P and K for BLOOM BOOSTER side/side

    I don't know what all you have going. just came across this. you might check out the plastic chicken wire at the depot. you could cut it to fit. I used it last year to keep plants off the sidewalls of the green house. 20k of worms is a good little venture. I can hold 500-1000 worms in a 4x8...
  17. stumps

    Need help one question

    mogul socket?
  18. stumps


    The point I was making. it takes a lot of pressure to get liquid to move out the tip. I've never tried to dial one down to see how low it will go. good luck with your grow.
  19. stumps


    lots of pressure behind those tips. I think you would be ahead getting pvc spray tips. Hell i would dump the whole sprayer idea and go with bubbles or a drip bubblier. just me good luck.