What your doing sounds a lot like how I ran the bubble buckets. I never needed a heater. It was a pain to keep temps down. Even outside has been bad this year for temps. we are getting a 40deg. temp swing from day to night. Good luck I'll keep up I want to see how your set up turns out.
My memory might be bad. But I'll say for sure lime will not hurt your grow. There was a good thread for coco growers at one time had some very good info.
Do a little research. I just can't remember for sure. I think a tsp lime per gal of soil helps balance the soil. been a few years since I was doing coco. sorry not much help the memory goes when you get old.
you Guys know molasses don't do a thing for the plant. Right? it feeds all the little critters in the soil and they help your plant. A tsp per gal every 2-3 weeks is plenty. if your soil gets crusty on top you know your using to much molasses.
radio shack, jewelry store. some hobby shops have them. wallmart had a cool kids thing you could use with your pc. also a lot of grow stores carry them.
found them. Just a fyi when you do pics try to get the whole plant in. It helps over all with any problem. Just be careful when watering. the plants should be getting big enough to take the nutes in the soil. I don't care for nuted soil.
If this link works its one of the best plant charts I've seen you should be able to figure out most anything you need from it. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688&page=1&pp=15
sorry wasn't busting your balls. Run a tape and see how it goes running 3' space maybe a little less. I would guess 9-12. I did 9 in my 10x22 green house last year and it was a jungle. 6 this year and it's filling up but manageable. Sounds like you have good light they should grow well. Guess...
If your using nuted soil and new growth is healthy don't worry about it. If you over watered you could have gave them a rush of nutes and burned them a little. I say that because it looks like it started at the tips and moved back. if it was lacking N the whole leaf would yellow or at least it...