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  1. frostythesnowthug

    CFL's Europe ? Cant buy anywhere !!!!!

    If Europe doesnt do CFL grow bulbs that are useable for are all of these on ebay ---> - energy saving bulb daylight, Lighting, Studio Equipment Lighting, Home Garden items at low prices These bulbs are perfect for Vegging, theyre available in varying wattages,available...
  2. frostythesnowthug

    red stems

    What strain are you growing?? some strains have reddish/purple tinges... Also it could be a deficiency, but i'd wait for any other signs of an N/P/K def... Lie i said, red petioles are genetic on alot of strains..Read up on Deficiencies, and wait n see if you have any other symptoms develop
  3. frostythesnowthug

    Help Needed is this seedling over watered?

    How often are you watering??..Ideally you dont wanna water until the top 1-2" of the soil is dry..Poke your finger in there and if your finger is moist when you pull it out, dont water, leave it til the next day and check again....Its really easy to over water these things, I've done it in the...
  4. frostythesnowthug

    Sprout w/ 1 CFL when waiting?

    itll be fine for a week, just slower in growth,...make sure the cfl is no more than 1" away from the cotyldon (rounded)leaves when they poke thru the soil.
  5. frostythesnowthug

    help with seedling!

    By 'cracked' i meant has the seed pod opened to reveal the seedling.. How deep did you bury it?? I planted some more seeds this morning, i'm not expecting to see anything poking thru the soil for a day or two....just make sure the soil isnt dry and you should expect to see the seed pod or...
  6. frostythesnowthug

    help with seedling!

    Has the seed cracked?? Have you soaked it in water or moist paper towels?? If the seed has been germinated and is showing a taproot..plant it 10mm deep with taproot pointing toward the bottom of pot, water the soil..put the pot somewhere warm and dark..Dont SOAK the soil or you could get mold...
  7. frostythesnowthug

    No more Dr Chronic shipments to US!!!

    try using some discretion and PM him over at (do not post a thread with regard to it there) read between the lines! DC's op has gone 'dark' from what i hear
  8. frostythesnowthug


    its the simulation of more hours of darkness that triggers flowering..the plant detects the fact that the "daytime" hrs have decreased, therefore meaning the plant assumes that it is time to flower.. by switching from 18/6 or whatever veg time you run to 12/12 you are purely simulating the...
  9. frostythesnowthug

    threat to YOUR security

    so what, you might not be 100% secure here?!?!...correct me if i'm wrong, but anthing you do online is traceable, from email to thread posting to IM/PM. You can hide your i.p addy if your paranoid..but the feds still have ways to find out that stuff.. truth is, feds wont be reading this lookin...
  10. frostythesnowthug

    CFL's Europe ? Cant buy anywhere !!!!!

    oops forgot...if ya want envirolites..go to ebay..or Envirolites indoor growing envirolite grow lights reflectors
  11. frostythesnowthug

    CFL's Europe ? Cant buy anywhere !!!!!

    look for lighting stores on google... If you are in UK i found a site for a buddy of mine over there called Ebulb or ebulbs(google it) they sold him his daylight 6500k bulbs...quite cheap too just look online for cfl compact fluorescent energy saving bulb 2700k (for flowering) and 6500k(for...
  12. frostythesnowthug

    nutes how often

    start of with a diluted solution of Ph'd water and nutes when either the cotyldon leaves(small round seed leaves) start yellowing, or when you have the first couple of sets of 'real' leaves.. but for the first couple of weeks you want to jut use water..a mineral water with a PH of 7 will do...
  13. frostythesnowthug

    Plant Up or Down??? (seeds)

    sorry if ya took that bad bro.. i wasnt raggin on ya.. Loosen up a lil :)
  14. frostythesnowthug

    Plant Up or Down??? (seeds)

    youre kidding me right??? Germ the seeds, when they show a tap root that is 10mm long, stick them in the compost/medium of your choice, with the taproot pointing down(seed pod on top)
  15. frostythesnowthug

    Help Advice Please

    you shouldnt really be using nutes until they either start to show signs of deficiency or until the 4th or 5th set of leaves start...just ph'd water to start..poss a neutral mineral water that contains trace elements of minerals the plant can use..i use volvic. the ph might have stopped them...
  16. frostythesnowthug

    Dr Chronics "Biggie Small" grow...

    Day 3 - these suckers are ready to go....The tap roots are approx 12-15mm in length, i have just prepared the soil/perlite mix in some 3litre pots,the compost was microwaved for 4mins to kill any potential Nastys/spores that might have gotten into it since its been in the garage..they have 10mm...
  17. frostythesnowthug

    How many watts per plant for flowering?

    a coupla extra cfls used with the hps wont do any will help create a more 'natural' light
  18. frostythesnowthug

    New Cfl's

    24/0 or 18/6 is fine too if ya wanna save a coupla bucks.
  19. frostythesnowthug

    Growing indoors; space problem

    theres a good range of dwarf-shortish auto strains....which would be good for this setup...Lo-life do a great range of seeds
  20. frostythesnowthug

    hermieddddd plant question

    lol..i was talkin bout the odd time they go belly up..with regard to my LRs if i got nothin in my other grow room i leave em to their own LRs hardly ever stretched too much to be honest..prolly 4-5"max...short compact with lotsa bud sites...unlike my keralas and sour D's which do...