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  1. LadyKimi

    Stem is yellow

    Um, are U sure she is 2.5 weeks old? Not to be mean but I have had plants that were 2.5 days old that were that size. The way the stem is all bent, and lack of foliage indicates a lack of light. What is your set up? When seeds first pop the stems are yellowish but this goes away within a couple...
  2. LadyKimi

    Are they dead?

    5 days old seems a little early for transplant. What size pot was she in? I have damaged roots before. Good News, she lived. Bad news, She hermied and pollinated my entire crop. Kimi
  3. LadyKimi

    SMoke & growing Reports on Sweet Dwarf and UFO Rocklock

    No smoke report yet but My Rocklock is 26 days old and although she has a good size going with a lot of tight nodes and bud sites she has been very very sensitive to everything. Ph, nutes, water schedule you name it. I am growing 4 diff strains right now and the rocklock is just very...
  4. LadyKimi

    Seeing Lots of Preflowers Earlier Than Expected? See Pictures...

    Not to mention SHE looks damn Good! Nice Job Newb! LoL
  5. LadyKimi

    Attitudes Website Is Updated and Looking AWESOME!!!

    Just wanted to let everyone know! They say there are still a few updates coming but the site is sooooooooo much better! Kimi
  6. LadyKimi
  7. LadyKimi

    help plzzzzzzzzzz

    There seems 2 be a spider mite outbreak lately. Do U have access to neem oil? I know it sounds scary but any bug bomb or spray that says it kills spiders is said to get rid of them. Its pretty nuclear especially for such a small plant but then again SMs will kill it fast too... Kimi
  8. LadyKimi


    Here are the best possible threads for newbies. I have learned more here than anywhere.
  9. LadyKimi

    What to do with male?

    I used everything but fans...
  10. LadyKimi

    CFL Grows Aint The Greatest. B.S. !!!!!

    very minority opinion there...
  11. LadyKimi

    help plzzzzzzzzzz

    Is that actual wattage or equivalent? When my girls are that young I have them under 1 26w (100 w equivalent) CFL for about 5 days then 2 till they are 10 then they are usually ready for heavier light. Maybe just pull it back some. Do U have afan on her? I have no earthly idea on the bug, checl...
  12. LadyKimi

    What to do with male?

    U CAN make canna butter with a male, it aint quite as good but it is done all the time. Kimi
  13. LadyKimi

    help plzzzzzzzzzz

    Wow, good eyes. Leaves can yellow for so many reasons, that amost looks like heat. What is your set up? Kimi
  14. LadyKimi

    Shower stalled

    Are U planning on planting every one of those pots? If so you might have a penetration issue once they are a couple weeks old and def in flower. The set up is pretty nifty though, you should check out the Ghetto growers thread.. Kimi
  15. LadyKimi

    FIM my Freaking FIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Uuhhh.. No Chit! hence the Fim my Fim F*** I missed my F*** I missed... Does that only make sense in my brain?? Kimi
  16. LadyKimi

    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    U need a license to carry in Texas??????????????????????????????? I thought everyone did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. LadyKimi

    FIM my Freaking FIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok, tried again LoL Kimi
  18. LadyKimi

    Has anyone tried Greenhouse seeds "the Church"

    Texas Law on Par: Jail Time Fine Paraphernalia possession class C misdemeanor none $500
  19. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    Topping which one twice? I topped Rocky and tried to FIM Star, I think I topped right but the FIM seems wrong somehow. Kimi
  20. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    I'll take all the advice I can get. The original plan was not to TP them for another couple of weeks but after the vinegar fiasco it seemed like the best thing to do to help with recovery. I was actually shocked at the size of the root ball when I TPd, thought it would be much smaller... Kimi