Search results

  1. LadyKimi

    What is an hermaphrodite?

    + rep for those pics! I could not find anything close to that good when my first grow had 2 hermies. Those will be crazy good visuals for newbies that havent had a herm yet! Kimi
  2. LadyKimi

    Vietnamese Black

    A left nut or YOUR left nut????
  3. LadyKimi

    making gold
  4. LadyKimi

    Need Advice Plz!!!!!!!

    I don't know crap about hydro but 2 week old plants are more than ready for a soil grow. With soil you want a strong root base before replanting, I assume Hydro is the same.... If you need quick advice and no-one is here try the Hydro section.. Kimi
  5. LadyKimi

    How should I germinate 100 beans

    I didn't Even notice LoL Thanks! Apparently I talk a lot HeHe
  6. LadyKimi

    How should I germinate 100 beans

    I germ by soaking approx 18 hrs (or until seeds sink to bottom) in neutral ph water. I Always plant into jiffy peat pellets BEFORE the tap root shows. This might be an easier method than the paper towel method for 100 seeds. Good Luck! Kimi
  7. LadyKimi

    Need Help!!

    LoL Apparently this is a very important subject 2 him.....
  8. LadyKimi

    Rounding leaves?

    Why ask for advice if U had no intention what so ever of taking it? LoL
  9. LadyKimi

    HOW CLOSE CAN A 400W bulb be too your plants??

    Worthless..... Dude 5 plants in that space WITH clothes are seriously going to STINK! As far as your light, It kind of depends on your air flow for your temps. 2 feet is about the closest you can get it and thats only with really good ventilation. Just watch your girls, if they show signs of...
  10. LadyKimi

    OH F**K!!!!! I Think I KILLED EM!!!!!!!

    The light green in person looked like it was an inch from dead...and it was LoL. The next day there was a lot of burnt to crap leaves. They were not over watered before the flush, they were actually due for a watering, had been about 4 days, pots were nice and light. They are recovering nicely...
  11. LadyKimi

    Whos got the best prices on Auto , I need 100 fems

    my guess is almost any of the banks would cut u a deal if U shot them an email in advance....
  12. LadyKimi

    What is a "true" node?

    On a totally different note, is that a mirror with your grow? They do not reflect light all, they actual "suck it in" Your plants look really good BTW. Kimi
  13. LadyKimi

    Rounding leaves?

    uummm..socal? The hubby wants 2 know if those are Gianna Michaels Boobs? Kimi
  14. LadyKimi

    Looking for the originals - not reproductions

    Attitude is updating the site (according to their "tweets" and everything is supposed to be in stock next week when the entire site is done being updated..... Kimi
  15. LadyKimi

    D'oh *Facepalm

    NO SPACE HEATERS IN JULY! Temps should only be about 75d F so I can not imagine why U needed a space heater and God help me I am really curious! U might be ok, don't trim yet. Give them lots of love and tender care, they may be stunted for a while and U may have to veg for a few extra weeks but...
  16. LadyKimi

    Documenting 2nd Go Around... Learning From Mistakes Journal

    Ug, Ug and Ug! I know I havent written in a couple of days but its been nuts. I had a very mild PH issue so I used the vinegar method to bring it down and WOAH what a mistake! U will see by the pix that they were a bit burned (understatement on Sour cream) I missed Sour Cream when taking pics...
  17. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    Ouch Bong! That really sucks!!! I wish you tons of luck getting rid of the mites!!!! Kimi
  18. LadyKimi

    I bet you've never seen ganja like this!

    Ug, I do not know why I keep going! Stubborn I guess. I some times do not know WHAT to google for specific info. I guess that does not make sense to you. I am reasonably intelligent but before my foray into growing MJ I had never grown a single thing, nor did I have any interest in it. I...
  19. LadyKimi
  20. LadyKimi

    I bet you've never seen ganja like this!

    He always answers mine, Perhaps I am just 1 of the lucky ones? LoL My entire point is I would rather get an informed C&P than completely misinformed or down right "wrong" opinions. I almost killed 2 of my plants yesterday and was very panicked, I got advice that had nothing to do with what mu...