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  1. LadyKimi

    ... on picking seeds?

    with the right growing technique U can make a TALL strain finish at 18 inches. Its really very hard to give answers to these kind of questions as most people do some kind of training or topping to their plants. If U want something that is going to completely finish in 90 days go with Autos, U...
  2. LadyKimi

    back with vengeance Blue goo,Grape ape, Bubba Kush, NYC D, Strawberry cough, Super

    I almost got Strawberry Cough but the cheap skate in me won LoL. Gotta watch this 1. Lookin great so far! Kimi
  3. LadyKimi

    Shut the fuck up!!

    Ok, so I agree on the Native American schooling thing. I can say however that I have heard the N word used towards my husbands family a time or two and at no point did Al Sharpton show up. If he had they probably would have thrown him out! I gotta be done with this thread, there are certain...
  4. LadyKimi

    Shut the fuck up!!

    I think what I failed to mention in my post was that I do not agree with "reverse" racism anymore than I do racism. I dislike hatred in all of its forms, period. What annoys me about this thread is that Fruit said two very very hateful things in 2 different posts and when he was called to...
  5. LadyKimi

    Macgyver setup

    I doubt if it will die. It may hermie from stress if its really bad so keep an eye out for nanners. Kimi
  6. LadyKimi

    Shut the fuck up!!

    I give up. I am going to explain to my husband that he and his family are not only all "nigs" but they in fact are proud of this. I am also going to explain to him that he can get into a cushy state job with ease so he should quit his salaried position, head down to the state offices and simply...
  7. LadyKimi

    Shut the fuck up!!

    Nig Problrms??? Where do you people come from??
  8. LadyKimi

    whats magus genetics all about looks schwaggy its the attitude promo whats the deal

    Brick is much better at sarcasm than I. Hehehe
  9. LadyKimi

    Shut the fuck up!!

    Why Oh Why is there always some idiot trolling around. I mean seriously how crappy must your life be that you have nothing better to do?
  10. LadyKimi

    Hey Guys! I will now be putting links to Articles on Legalization in my signature and changing...

    Hey Guys! I will now be putting links to Articles on Legalization in my signature and changing them Daily. Here are a couple I think everyone should read!
  11. LadyKimi

    Topping? FIM?

    sorry, read your question wrong, thought you wanted to know the timing of FIM. Darn Punctuation LoL Kimi
  12. LadyKimi

    Freak Tooth! (Mutant Sweet Tooth) Keep or kill?

    I would never throw away a mutation. There are quite a few threads about different mutations and most end up being awesome. Think of it this way, U have extra growth that could lead to a ton of extra bud sites! Start a grow journal on her I guarantee if U put mutation in the title of it you will...
  13. LadyKimi


    Good thing you took the time to tell him that.... I freeze my butter, I read alot about it and some people had issues with mold after a cpl weeks in the fridge. Kimi
  14. LadyKimi

    Topping? FIM?

    Here is a step by step on FIM. It does say to fim when they are between 1-2 feet tall and at least 2 weeks before flowering.. Kimi
  15. LadyKimi

    have you ever seen this mutation? FREAK PLANT 2010

    U back from the fair yet? I want more pics! Kimi
  16. LadyKimi

    I bet you've never seen ganja like this!

    I disagree COMPLETELY. Bricktop is WONDERFUL at finding FULL answers to all kinds of questions. Some of us are here to LEARN as much as we can. I would much rather have a full copy paste answer that not only gives me full info but can lead me to an area where I can learn even more. I do not...
  17. LadyKimi

    any way to stop seeds reaching maturity

    LoL, is this an answer or a question? I would be interested to know about this as well.. Kimi
  18. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    Hey all! Here are a few pics... 15-19 days old in order
  19. LadyKimi

    Documenting 2nd Go Around... Learning From Mistakes Journal

    I give up on trying to type something everyday... I am not that entertaining. LoL Got some more pics, I love my new camera :o) First we have my little sensi star, she is a tiny bit stretched since she is so much younger than the other girls it is tough to get the light close enough to keep her...
  20. LadyKimi

    Free Grow Software!

    I have windows 7 on one pc and linux (unbutu) on the other, can test out on windows but have to get a larger flash drive before I can run it thru the linux pc. I will be stuck at home all day tomorrow so I can play away LoL Just let me know.. Kimi