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  1. LadyKimi

    Documenting 2nd Go Around... Learning From Mistakes Journal

    Her this y Everyone! Things seem to be going better this evening... I wonder if they look "Right" My only other grow was bag seed and it was terribly stretched from jump so it never had the "Bushy" or "Leafy" look that these do. The first pic is Star, she is now in the same size pot as the...
  2. LadyKimi

    Documenting 2nd Go Around... Learning From Mistakes Journal

    LoL Pit, yes Typo Cant remember who asked but here is a picture of Sensi Star girl in her FOUR INCH pot and one of the other girls in her TEN INCH Pot. Remember for all intents and purposes these girls are the same age!! CRAP! cant get anything to load right now but just go back to the other...
  3. LadyKimi

    Well... What is the Problem Here?!?!?! PICS +reps 4 answers!

    I was not suggesting that I was not going to continue to check PH because someone else doesn't. I just found it interesting. Heading a problem off at the pass is exactly what I am trying to do. I am trying to figure out why, almost overnight, my PH would go wonky with 1 week old plants and no...
  4. LadyKimi

    Well... What is the Problem Here?!?!?! PICS +reps 4 answers!

    Thanks for everything ya'll.... We moved the girls into the Pro-mix Last night, although I doubt they will get all green as fast as they got the yellow, I am hoping 4 the best. I read a long thread the other day where one of the "Pros" of the boards( FDD something) does not check PH at all and...
  5. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    I'll try again.. They took a really long time to upload, if these don't load I'll try tomorrow.
  6. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    Got some Pics! U will see the amazing miniature pot plant Sensi Star... U will also see that I have a couple small issues going on here, I am working on em but I am still not sure what the issues are... kimi
  7. LadyKimi

    Documenting 2nd Go Around... Learning From Mistakes Journal

    Alright guys, first let me apologize for my rant earlier. I have been in a lot of pain for a few days now and lets be honest, I just kind of went into super cunt mode for a little while. So here we go the oldest girl in the pics is 1 week old and the others are 5 & 6. You are also going to get...
  8. LadyKimi

    HELP! 1 Week Old Sprouts (Seedlings) & PH Issues!!!!!!!!!

    Yes they were, in fact Rocky was shooting her roots out in less than 2 full days! These things grew like CRAZY for 6 days and then just paused and started turning yellow.... Going to post pics in my grow journal. I switched soils and my panic is subsiding, theres more seeds where these came...
  9. LadyKimi

    Well... What is the Problem Here?!?!?! PICS +reps 4 answers!

    These guys are 1 week from popping soil. They were looking amazing until early this afternoon when I noticed some yellow in 1 of the leaf sets, by this evening they were looking like this! I was using sunshine mix #8 mixed with Perlite but my PH was reading just over 8 so I assume thats what...
  10. LadyKimi

    Documenting 2nd Go Around... Learning From Mistakes Journal

    I cant find it anywhere around here. The hubby just came home with PoMix seedling and potting... I know I need to switch grow mediums now to get my PH to come down so ProMix it is... Its funny before I started trying to figure out what I was doing I was really enjoying myself. If these plants...
  11. LadyKimi

    HELP! 1 Week Old Sprouts (Seedlings) & PH Issues!!!!!!!!!

    No nutes added at all and watering was only being misted until yesterday when they were given water to the soil for the first time. It was not nearly enough to flush.... Edit to add Using Tap sat out for well over 48 hours with a ph of 6.3
  12. LadyKimi

    Documenting 2nd Go Around... Learning From Mistakes Journal

    I just do not freaking understand what is going on here. This am when I woke up I noticed a little bit of yellowing in Stella and Rocky. It was a very little bit so I decided to let it wait until The Hubby got home as my back is still hurting a bit and I didnlt really think it was anything to...
  13. LadyKimi

    HELP! 1 Week Old Sprouts (Seedlings) & PH Issues!!!!!!!!!

    I should also mention (with the risk of being laughed at) that I actually did not know that the Sunshine was a "Soil Less Mix" until after my last grow was over. I HAVE NEVER GROWN ANYTHING BEFORE!! I did not intentionally switch to a soil-less mix and now I don't really know how to switch back...
  14. LadyKimi

    HELP! 1 Week Old Sprouts (Seedlings) & PH Issues!!!!!!!!!

    I am as familiar with the sunshine as dollar general soil. I started my last grow in DG but finished in Sunshine Soil Less. So your saying to switch the girls back to soil right?? What is a good SOil PH ready??? Anyone??? Kimi
  15. LadyKimi

    HELP! 1 Week Old Sprouts (Seedlings) & PH Issues!!!!!!!!!

    So, I should not even be having a PH or Nutrient issue. 3 girls started in jiffy pellets and transferred into the soil-less mix should still have everything they need @ week 1. I am seriously pissed at this point. The more $$ I soend the more Issues I seem to have. SOOOOOOOO... Should I...
  16. LadyKimi

    HELP! 1 Week Old Sprouts (Seedlings) & PH Issues!!!!!!!!!

    All of a sudden my soil is reading a little over 8 PH, only reason I checked is cuz I have been sick for a couple of days and not been able to pay tons of attention to what is going on and all of sudden they are turning yellow! They are not even all 1 week old, as of today they are 6,6.5 and 7...
  17. LadyKimi

    So where do I buy camo pots?
  18. LadyKimi

    Hermie ? Banana's Everywhere in the BUD! WTF?! HELP PLEASE

    Condolences my friend, about a week ago on my first grow, I realised that I had a hermie that pollinated my other 6 girls! All bag seed, won't do that again! kimi
  19. LadyKimi

    new pics of first grow.

    I can't give any advice at all here but those R the most trimmed plants I have ever seen.. Do U mind if I ask what your logic was? Kimi