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  1. LadyKimi

    Documenting 2nd Go Around... Learning From Mistakes Journal

    Very quick update today as I am pretty sick. The 3 big girls seem to be doing well, no major growth but they were just transplanted last night. Sensi Star girl looks to be fighting for a comeback (can U call it a comeback when she was never really here to start with) All of the girls are...
  2. LadyKimi

    High temperatures preventing plants from sexing?

    If I am reading your timeline correct it is saying you have been flowering for 1 week total? My first grow had 2 plants that took 13 days to show sex after 12/12. I have read it can take up to 3 weeks, especially with Sativas. Kimi
  3. LadyKimi

    4 plants from seed experiment

    That was the hardest part, we were a little over 3 weeks into flowering and my favorite girl had 36 bud sites! I thought she was the hermie cuz I saw the seeds, then I found the real culpirt and realised that every girl was chalked full of seeds! If you haven't tried cannbutter yet I highly...
  4. LadyKimi

    4 plants from seed experiment

    Jon, Last pics were a little dark but the root pic was really cool looking! Things are looking really good! I had to start over as I had a hermie that pollinated all my girls! I made canna butter that really does help with the pain!!! Good Luck! They Look Really Great!!! Kimi
  5. LadyKimi

    Tried many things...need to get aggressive

    Just checking in to see how things were going with your girl? Hope she is recovering nicely! kimi
  6. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    Funny thing, I know they look stretched but they have been 1.5-2 in. under the light since they popped. I am using CFLs for this grow also. I am still seriously thinking of going CMH but since I never actuallu got to smoke any of the last grow I wanted to do an entire grow with the CFLs before...
  7. LadyKimi

    Documenting 2nd Go Around... Learning From Mistakes Journal

    Well, today I decided to go ahead and transplant them into the first "real" pots. Sour Cream and Chiesel were looking "Stretchy" but since the light was literally a 1/2 inch over them for their short lives I don't think that was the issue. On my first grow I kept them in the jiffys for 2 long...
  8. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    Here we go, not the best pics as they are from the Blackberry but pics none the less. We are on day 5, for further details check out my grow journal (that will be updated shortly hereafter, I made our QT Gang first) :mrgreen: I will tell ya that the featured gal is "Rocky" my rocklock girl. In...
  9. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    Bong, I get exactly what you are saying, before I was hurt I managed a seafood restaurant. We made no $$ on Monday night all U can eat crab legs anyway and it made me Irate when someone tried to "Split" an All U can eat with their 13 year old kid who could eat like a horse. Here is where my...
  10. LadyKimi

    most weed tastes the same!!

    This is just another post by the OP to see how much attention he can get. Reminds me of a kid that keeps pissing his pants. Here is his last thread... he got lots of attention, it was comical, he changed the way he ingested the hash about 10 times LoL...
  11. LadyKimi

    LST-Tie down ??

    Interested in seeing the screen tie...
  12. LadyKimi

    Help! 2 week-old plants' leaves severely drooping down...

    When I first got to this site I read and read and read and read some more before I ever asked my first question. My plants were screwed up beyond craziness! I would see people post "dumb" or often asked questions and see someone get snotty and think Wow, there is no need for that" That being...
  13. LadyKimi

    riddleme, darkdestruction420, FDD and other heavyweights on New. central, we got ???

    Subbing to see who else answers even though I have decided to study At Riddles School for MJ Growers. Kimi
  14. LadyKimi

    Track your Grow with your Computer

    Wow, I wish I could check this out. I am currently stuck in bed alot so I am using a laptop with a crashed hardrive running ubuntu off of a 2 gig flash drive and I do not have the memory available. I am so absent minded because of all of the narcotics this seems made for me! Good Luck finishing...
  15. LadyKimi

    Soil Grow OR Hydroponic Grow ?

    I am by NO MEANS an experienced grower, just thought I would tell you why I decided on soil, my husband was willing to pay 4 a hydro system having grown up in the "Dro" era. :roll: but not soil, that I had to prove myself with. While researching I realized that most of the breeders use soil...
  16. LadyKimi

    Documenting 2nd Go Around... Learning From Mistakes Journal

    Here we are on day 5, Got some advice yesterday to "help" Stella (Sensi Stars Name) thru her shell a little bit and this morning you can see her trying to pop thru! If all goes well my 100% germ rate will hold! Cheisels ( Charlie) stem is looking a little wimpy to me today so she might just...
  17. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    BigCheese: Thanks! Yeah I was pretty devastated about my first grow but I made cannabutter yesterday and used it on toast this am (it is an aqquired taste I assure you :spew:) but it was also the first time I had ingested any THC of any sort in about 20 years so I did get a decent bit of pain...
  18. LadyKimi

    The Official "Quadruple Thunder Grow Off"

    I ordered 6/7 about 3 hours after the sale started. I got my seeds 6/15 in the mid west!!!! The usps site only said "We have been notified by the sender to expect this package" or some such until the morning it was delivered. Indoor CFL Grow, Sunshine Mix #8 mixed with 50% Perlite 18/6. I am...
  19. LadyKimi

    Documenting 2nd Go Around... Learning From Mistakes Journal

    Hello All! Here goes Nothing!! First things first. I am writing this more for me right now although I hope someday someone can learn from it. I may ramble occasionally and I t4end to talk to myself so I am sure I will "type" to myself as well. I may also leave stuff unfinished and come back...
  20. LadyKimi

    opinions on sour cream?

    Sour Creme was the first to pop soil ( 5 hours) of the 4 I just started. She is 4 days old today and I swear I can see her first little grow shoots! Now if the Sensi Star would just peak her head out... Kimi