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  1. purplebud27

    Omfg!!!!! My daughter has a boo boo a bad one!!!

    make clone of the damaged plant
  2. purplebud27

    Bump If You're Baked!

    going to burn with my dad and my gf BUMP BUMP BUMP to all my burners on RIU
  3. purplebud27

    what to do harvest first one

    trim all the large fan leaves off this is standard as far as trimming the sugar leaf u can wait to trim this after the buds have dried a bit or you can trim the sugar leaf while it is wet this part is personal preference
  4. purplebud27

    My first time growing.

    This is the best advice a beginning grower can get and use study everything you can about growing but understand that every1 grows differently and what works for them may not work for you just experiment and dont get discouraged if things dont go the right way the first time just understand what...
  5. purplebud27

    Smoking Buds Befor Their Time!?

    do u know the strain or genetics of the plant if its indica or indica dominant or sativa or sativa dominant if indica the wait should be 7-9 weeks if sativa extend this by a week or two
  6. purplebud27


    very nice what strain if i may ask?
  7. purplebud27

    ENtire PLant yellowing.....?

    check the ph to make sure lockout is not happening sounds like the plant is not taking up Nitrogen. Is it really yellow or pale white? take a pic in natural lighting not he hps to show the true color
  8. purplebud27

    to trim or not to trim...that is the question..

    i never trimmed dry i may try it this harvest in a few weeks but i do notice when i trim wet the smell is very pedestrian but im more of a flavor man myself tho, and i think the true aroma of the herb is best let go after a nice cured bud is cracked open
  9. purplebud27

    Noob in need of help ... maybe

    a good way to tell when the plants need a watering is let the plants dry fully and then check the weight of the pots b4 watering and after u water
  10. purplebud27

    freshly cut clones 24/0 or 18/6 lighting?

    i like running clones under 24/0 for the first few weeks after roots are nice and established i will then go to an 18/6
  11. purplebud27

    Should I pull this plant?

    sounds like a runt i think your other ladies could better utilize the extra space more efficiently i say get rid of it or move it away to a different area to grow a little longer if it is a male careful of the sacks busting
  12. purplebud27

    Smoking Buds Befor Their Time!?

    growers do this often when working with a new strain to test the potency and get a good idea of when to harvest the plant on the next grow
  13. purplebud27

    New episode of the walking dead

    NEEDZ my zombie fix east coast and mid west are lucky they get first viewing
  14. purplebud27

    milk of the bong

    my new blaze glass getting milked if u got shots of the milk post it upbongsmilie
  15. purplebud27

    Show Off Your GLASS

    got this blaze glass blue double perc along with the 11 arm diffuser yesterday in the mail this is my first perc bong and its awsome the hits are smooth and flavorful and here is my collection
  16. purplebud27

    Has anyone ordered from, NEED YOUR HELP

    was wondering the same thing i just orderd 2 bowls and some glass screens i really hope he got his order
  17. purplebud27

    whats this build up in my vapior globe

    thanx man i wan not sure if re dabbing it would be ok but now i will start collecting the stuff
  18. purplebud27

    whats this build up in my vapior globe

    im new to dabbing and was wondering whats this yellowish build up in my bubbler and can it be removed with a normal cleaning with iso
  19. purplebud27

    First organic tent grow.....

    do u spray them while the lights are on? if so try to get them 1/2 hour before the lights come on or go off and keep a watch on the new growth for a few days if u notice more holes appering check ur entire tent for bug i would clean just incase if no new holes appear it was the watering i turn...
  20. purplebud27

    Organic sources of K? Earth Juice Meta K?

    i use the EJ line it does not pack the punch of synthetic organc fertz but the plants can handle very well i say as far as the meta k i would only use this if u need a high amount of K for deficiency corrections ur veg and bloom fertz should have all the k u need the one i suggenst getting is...