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  1. dirt clean

    Blue Mountian Organics

    I use them with conjunction and have had no problem. I think that later in their stages like yours they are ok. I gradually build up then use full str plus guano as an amendment. In veg I through in caps of fish too. Sometimes I might toss in some bio bizz as a booster. My flower girls look...
  2. dirt clean

    Is my fan working right?

    Does that 4 in fan or 170 cfm fan cool a 400 watt in a cool tube enuf. I have a 400 and am hoping that a 4 in will do the job in a cooltube. A 6 in worked but i need that elsewhere. A 6 in barely cools my 600, to room.
  3. dirt clean

    Some exp. needed. + rep. I have a fan Q!

    All right, here is the situation. I have my veg cab going. I am switching from a small t5 to my 400 watt lumatek. I was using the lumatel 400 in my flower room. I had a 6 in valuline fan on it in a 4x4x7 tent. I worked great in temps up to 85 keeping it as cool if not cooler. I had the...
  4. dirt clean

    I could use any feedback. LR2 probs.

    I gave up and chopped mine. Staying in my limit. I gave N too in veg and I thnk maybe I got unlucky and that destriyed the lowrider flower cycle. It can happen to any flower and lr is especially sensitive. Lost 70 bucks but I smoked some as they had a few hairs and I swear I was stoned. I...
  5. dirt clean

    600 watt hps, skirt trimming?

    thanks, +rep
  6. dirt clean

    600 watt hps, skirt trimming?

    I am in seven gallons of soil. I am now under a 600 watt lumatek. I am 3 weeks in, well 3rd flower feed is saturday or so. Question: How should I go about trimming the skirt? I mean under the colas. I have lstd and topped the plants so as they have like 5-8 colas each. Thank you;) thank...
  7. dirt clean

    planting companion plants around pot to repel bugs/pests...

    garlic si so easy to grow. I am compamion platnng it everywhere else but pot first to see if my 7 gallons can take a few bulbs. I did not grow they grew roots, lol. I just thought they grew above with the green shoots. I dug one up and a fairly ok root system. smell too , :)
  8. dirt clean

    my hot grow room

    the worst affect will be on your buds. I flowered at that that temp thinking they wud be fine. Lol, not fine. The buds get all stringy and "not there" as the only way I cud describe it. I got a cool hood and a big fan. Have not has to use the air yet.
  9. dirt clean

    Help with not getting caught! Omg the worst situation haha

    Seriulsy ozone is easier to use than seriously is to spell. I mean it. If you want to get the smell gone the only real way is ozone. I just read an ad in the paper for a used model it said it all. "unless you want to get arrested by ozone". Lol, not to scare you. Just I live in an apt and I...
  10. dirt clean

    7 Species That Get High More Than We Do

    Elephants it turns out also make their own liquor. THey eat a lot fo fruit then drink a lot of water then shake their ass until it ferments. They stumble around drunk for hours. also cats release an opiate like chemcical into theri bodies whenver they purr. It is true. They even purr when they...
  11. dirt clean

    Help with not getting caught! Omg the worst situation haha

    Ozone generator. 150 max. get the uv model. it will kill all odor. run it every 20 min. No smell. Run it full. no smell. I dont know if the uv model harms plants. the corona discharge will. my uv has not harmed my plants. they are killer. especially outside of living area. o3 is bad to breathe...
  12. dirt clean

    e-mail from my conservative brother

    I think glabal warming and running out of water are in the same basket. Point of order. lol.
  13. dirt clean

    organic cloning?

    I just cloned 100 percent successgul using this method. Take some cutting fresh from your plants. Slice off with a razor blade. Take and while holding under water recut at a 45degree angle to paranoically :) prevent air embolisms ( air getting trapped in stem) and then take regular coffee can...
  14. dirt clean

    How long to vegg in order to yield 2.5 plus lbs with 2x1000 watt hps & 10 Plants

    veg for 2 months in 7 gallon containers. Then flower. In veg transplant from a 1 gallon then to the 7 gallon. Either top at the 2nd node or wait until like the 6-8th and lst 90 degrees down so either way the 2nd nodes and all others become colas. I have at least 6 colas on my plants doing this...
  15. dirt clean

    any1 do a sog with red cups?????

    lol, that is what I was about to say. Pot in pot them. that would be fast. I start my plants in one gallon bags. yu cud use 1 gallon grow bags. they are cheap and cake.
  16. dirt clean

    120W LED + Rainforest 66 + Papaya

    206 I got to hand it to you for sticking out your led grows. I am trying to use a 4th gen triband to veg four plants right now in 1 gallons. I am getting discourage by what I am thnking is some pretty slow growth. I have just fed and they are topped and a little confusing being from some...
  17. dirt clean

    e-mail from my conservative brother

    I just read Ayn Rands little book, the one with the lightbulb on the cover. It was very simple. As a philsopher I am far beyond this book and the ideas which it proposes. I am beyond its scope and its in my life I have bitch slapped my personal demons far beyond which this book has to slap and...
  18. dirt clean

    Coincidence or am I on to something

    all that green color is N.
  19. dirt clean

    Is this N def. Please look pics

    what N are you feeding? Try a N spray on the leaves. That is a fast acting method of feeding. See if that helps. If you are really worried. Look at the hydro ph chart. see what is locked out at that high ph.
  20. dirt clean

    12/12 from seed, what nutes?

    Yeah, like half str. Better yet a 1/4 str. Even. I was just thinking. I would keep it even and not go over 5 N in terms of NPK. Like 4-4-4. Then when sex shows switch to like 3-8-6 then 3-10-8 then like that with a topdress of guano or adding another bloom P and K stim to your nutirents. They...