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  1. KP2

    Organics better?

    you ought to know better than that "dude". organic and dirt are not synonymous. you can use organic or chemical fertilizers for SOIL or HYDRO. how many different organic nutes do you use? you say "all my organic nutes cost 20$ a quart". i spend about 100$ for 3 gallons of chem ferts plus...
  2. KP2

    Anyone Ever Smoke Purple Haze?

    just saying; most people don't know that, which is why we have hazes called purple haze.
  3. KP2

    germinating seeds with alcohol?

    can't believe this thread is still alive. water and h20. if you use alcohol, i don't feel sorry for you fucking up your seeds.
  4. KP2

    Anyone Ever Smoke Purple Haze?

    depends. many people have a haze line they call purple haze. including me. however, actual purple haze as heard in the song is not pot. just so you know...
  5. KP2

    16 oz cup grow **8 weeks flowering**

    i've grown 5x more bud in a cup half that size. i don't like YOU. shut the fuck up and let people who know what the fuck they're doing chime in for grades and info and upgrades. root zone is not as important as frequency of water. i've grown 4' plants in 8oz cups. i've done about 2000 seeds...
  6. KP2

    Am I the only one that wants to kick Seth Rogans ass?

    quite a bit. i thought just about any current religion teaches and practices tolerance. this is no more or less than racism.
  7. KP2

    Organics better?

    no less harder; more things in there that are completely unnecessary and create residual buildup (which is why ORGANIC USERS invented the flush techs and chem growers never flush) usually costs more for organic than a simple npk + micros special organic seeds? come the fuck on now.... hope this...
  8. KP2

    whats the bare minimum flower time for satvias

    i have one that's good at 10 weeks, does better at 12. a 12 week sativa is a good one, not too terribly long to flower.
  9. KP2

    Paging Dr. Green! Hydroponic Problems!! Help! Need Solutions Please!

    what do the roots look like on the ones that die?
  10. KP2

    planted seeds advice

    start feeding after the first true set of leaves (3-5 fingers), or 2-4 weeks. yes, that is a good light for now, but as the plant grows you will need more lighting.
  11. KP2

    Cheap Potency?

    loves nutes, average indica specifics. papaya and mango are practically clones, and i know you'll find logs for both right here.
  12. KP2

    Cheap Potency?

    medical can mean just about anything anymore, but generally means potent. most anything from nirvana will kick you a good pheno worth keeping. papaya was really good, ak47 was very nice, jock horror is a very decent sativa, chrystal (however it's spelled) also put out nice plants. not all...
  13. KP2

    three 400watt hps lights in a series?

    a 1kw would work better for a 6x4 than 3 400's.
  14. KP2

    Cheap Potency?

    of course, why wouldn't you?
  15. KP2

    What is anxiety?

    anxiety is nervousness. what you're experiencing is paranoia, hypochondria, and intoxication. take another hit, you'll be fine ;)
  16. KP2

    Cheap Potency?

    usually around 80%
  17. KP2

    Cheap Potency?

    go with nirvana.
  18. KP2

    red pistils 4 weeks old

    i think pictures would help tremendously.
  19. KP2

    Reservior ran dry!! I feel like such a bad plant dad!!

    no, it wouldn't. a plant will come back from full wilt in 15 minutes. plants with roots are not unrooted cuttings, and shouldn't be compared as such. i would not spray stressed plants until after they perk up from refilling the res. even then, still wouldnt mist for the sake of water, that's...
  20. KP2

    what is purple urkle?

    no, it has absolutely nothing to do with it. actual purple plants (the ones that don't need cold to "turn") are genetic. the color is the result of the genes, and not the result of any type of stress.