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  1. sandmonkey

    Sandmonkey's 2nd grow: Dutch Passion Flo, Magus Warlock, and ???

    Haven't updated in a while. So far things are going OK, though they could be better. :? I started giving them the Alg-a-Mic, BioHeaven and AN Phiranna. All of these have very low NPK values (0.1 0.1 0.1). So I don't think I'm burning them! The Warlock are growing more rapidly than the...
  2. sandmonkey

    look at these leaves?

    the fist-like yellow leaves indicate a Phosphor deficiency to me. Had a the same problem during my 1st grow. I little bit more PK 13/14 solved the problem. Just don't over do it.
  3. sandmonkey

    Sandmonkey's 2nd grow: Dutch Passion Flo, Magus Warlock, and ???

    under normal circumstances it is, but if the air outside the grow room is already over 80 degrees, then the intake air will be pretty warm and so the fan will just be circulating warm air. I've now got an AC outside the grow room so the temperature problem is solved.
  4. sandmonkey

    Sandmonkey's 2nd grow: Dutch Passion Flo, Magus Warlock, and ???

    Hey! +rep just for being the first to reply :D do stay tuned.
  5. sandmonkey

    gettin a lil paranoid

    LOL it's true. We live in a system built on fear and deception. "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free". -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  6. sandmonkey

    head high wanted

    Hey thanks a lot! much appreciated.
  7. sandmonkey

    head high wanted

    I too, like to get "high" and not "stoned". Try to go for 70-80% milky/cloudy, 15% amber and few clear.
  8. sandmonkey

    gettin a lil paranoid

    Paranoia is s symptom of the system grabbing you by the nuts :mrgreen:
  9. sandmonkey

    First Crop! When should I harvest?

    Those look great! Amber trich's are usually a sign of THC degradation into other Cannabinoids. I prefer mostly cloudy trich's, but it's all about personal preference. During my first grow I noticed that it took much longer for trichomes to turn from clear to cloudy than cloudy to amber...
  10. sandmonkey

    Harvesting.....after a few days i get this grassy smell

    a lot of posts on this thread have already advised you what to do: CURE IN A GLASS JAR!!! No two ways around it IMO. Even if you don't have a mason jar, just clean out any kind of air-tight glass container. You can use empty jam/peanut butter containers, Snapple bottles, etc.
  11. sandmonkey

    BioBizz Bio-Bloom

    Hey Evil Buddies, did you use the entire Bio Bizz line during your grow? Curious to hear your opinions. I'll be using the entire line (except Leaf Coat). So far I've used Root Juice, Alg-a-Mic, BioHeaven and as of today Bio Grow.
  12. sandmonkey

    BioBizz Bio-Bloom

    yup, OMRI certified and all...
  13. sandmonkey

    Help! Canna Products - Which Do I Need?

    AFAIK (and I did use the Canna Terra line for my 1st grow- see link in my signature) The Canna Terra line is NOT organic. They have another Bio line, but not sure if even that's completely organic. I used the Vega, Flores, PK 13/14 as well as Boost. You've got the basic, but the Boost makes a...
  14. sandmonkey

    To much humidity?

    generally during flowering (budding) you want the humidity to be lower than during vegetative growth. Apart from the wilting, too much humidity in the buds could attract mould and cause bud rot.
  15. sandmonkey

    flowering + reps

    Some great advice on this thread! I'll add this: make sure there's no light leaking into the grow room during the dark period.
  16. sandmonkey

    How do i get dormant seeds to break?

    perhaps they weren't mature yet??? what was their appearance like?
  17. sandmonkey

    Would this qualify as "Organic" ?

    Perfect! thx for the reply. I'm starting with the Root Juice and Alg-a-Mic tomorrow on my seedlings.
  18. sandmonkey

    Would this qualify as "Organic" ?

    I made the mistake of using chem's for my 1st grow... NEVER AGAIN! :evil: Would BioBizz (and one or two AN products; funghi and bacteria) qualify as organic? they're OMRI certified n all...
  19. sandmonkey

    Modern Warfare 2 Prestige package includes...

    That is S I C K!!! :shock: I still have my gas mask from the Gulf War. That'll make a nice combo, though i doubt it's that good. How many sets of those will they be making?
  20. sandmonkey

    Hey Bob, it's been MONTHS since i've been on RUI. hope all's well. If you're still interested...

    Hey Bob, it's been MONTHS since i've been on RUI. hope all's well. If you're still interested in truth-seeking, Islam, etc. Please checkout my torrents: do checkout Abdullah Hashem's "Antichrist Dajjal" series. A lot more in-depth than The...