dude that sux to be you and your oddball bulb size. found a link though that might help you out. for some reason I wonder why people cannot search for themselves.hmmm!
Metal Halide Bulbs: Grow Lights, 1000 watt, 400 watt, 600 watt
loved the link knowm. the background music rocked. where could I get one of those testers online for $16 USD (I have looked and only found some for like $30). and what the hell is written on your hand in read?
ok decided to post them again figured sonce it was one month why the hell should I not put them into the flowering cycle. the first pic show all four of the although they are bigbud I am starting to think that one of them is a kush strain. the one in the lower right is the experiment. I take her...
something like that although I think perlite is volcanic rock but you are right the little white ball thingies. always had a hard time telling when to transplant until I read widow's post. I did like you did and covered the cup but now I use clear cups and wait until I see roots in the bottom...
they look good, but you may want to think about some perlite in your soil for drainage issues later on. don't do it now, but when you transplant, do it. good looking plants keep growing. PEACE!
vote, kelvin is a means of measuring temperature. to calculate kelvin take celcius and add 273 to it and viola there is kelvin. kelvin is used to calculate absolute zero