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  1. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    i've done cloning without a dome, it can be done, though a dome does give you some more humidity if you're smelling a bad plastic smell, that can't be good, i'd yank it, or find a substitute covering
  2. G

    William (Willie) Wonder

    i fear your search will be a long one, legit william's wonder seeds probably don't exist, you could find some crosses like you mentioned, and there are some re-bred offerings, but the real deal is probably gone
  3. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    if it says slow release, it's probably just that, use with caution, MG time release is notorious for causing troubles for our favourite plant it can be used, i've seen grows that have been great, but it has its tricks, if you over water, you over fertilize, and that will give the classic MG burn...
  4. G

    Soil Question (Sandy and Thin) New York

    peat moss is good, so is bone meal but it attracts animals of the digging variety - outside fertilizers that don't attract animals are the trick
  5. G

    20-40 year old seeds

    i'm a sucker for these old seed threads, still waiting to see a good grow that looks legitimate, but i keep hoping
  6. G

    Soil Question (Sandy and Thin) New York

    another NY grower here, this time of year is plenty early, been frosts for the last week, those didn't help the early growers for organic stuff on the cheap, composted cow manure is good for this
  7. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    this is MG in a shaker type container? haven't used that for a while, but i don't think it's all that slow release, but my info could be old in general, the usual recommends are to stop feeding at 2 weeks prior to chop, i use organics which makes for a bit different timing
  8. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    MG fertilizer should be fine, but don't use it during sprouting, that will likely burn any sprout, give a week then start very slowly
  9. G

    Nirvana PPP

    seems the order has been placed, so i will say i think you've spent your money well 1 grow of PPP, a very stout indica female, good producer and interesting effect strangely strong, but not overwhelming
  10. G

    cheapist online beans money can buy?

    for the absolutely lowest price for legitimate seeds, KC Brains is probably it not saying how good, but some report great results, others less so, but about $17 for a pack of ten? that's the lowest i've seen
  11. G

    Growing tree's in a tree

    i was wondering about the genetics, figured it had to be a strong indica influence, sativa's do not flower so readily
  12. G

    Cali-O - round 3

    quality is very good, the cure resulted in a grapefruit odor, and a good taste, but not as good as the odor, rich deep grapefruit quality had to be good because i would have trashed this plant a while ago, a long painful reveg
  13. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    it is an interesting plant, but it's experience so there is value a single 26w will work for a little while, i use 3 26w cfl's to get a zip for a harvest(or better occasionally) a few inches is fine for a seedling, i do it and they take to it fine
  14. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    paper towels works well, i use it and the seed in a cap of water, both work well i use 26w cfl's, they're excellent, doing a reveg with them now with cfl's, closer is better, the trick is to keep them close without burning
  15. G

    What to do? Small grow area

    not an easy cloning project from what i can see you could try to get it to do some more vegging, just shift the light schedule back to 18/6, but that's a good 2 weeks usually to get a response, but it would improve your chances of getting cloneable branches
  16. G

    Growing tree's in a tree

    you'll definitely have a lot of techniques under you belt, i've never super cropped, but i'd think that may be more of a risk to a smaller plant
  17. G

    Growing tree's in a tree

    that's the basic idea, start gradual, and a string should be fine usually it is advised to counter tie at the base first so you don't pull the plant out by the roots
  18. G

    Growing tree's in a tree

    you could, it probably wouldn't do any harm, but lst is usually used for small space situations(inside), or for some stealth outdoors
  19. G

    Reveg vs starting from seed

    i've had both experiences, some revegged great as is, just flip the light schedule and water/wait then fertilize current reveg needed a root pruning, which took a while to figure out
  20. G

    High Grade Seeds-------all smiles with delivery :-

    yeah, i went a little off the tracks there, paranoia is a bitch back to the original thought, fruit + skunk is an interesting smell, very curious how it changes(if any) during flower