Fuck that man you get no rep from me. No snitch is gonna stop my grow op. I'll be standin on the front porch with my 6 fully grown female plants waiting for the pigs to come. Real people ain't afraid to do some time. I'm a G
All this micro nutrient bullshit. Plants started this planet, you think a little chemicals killing organisms that are a fraction of the size of a pin needle will kill them or stunt their growth? Unless a scientist himself tells me and explains it to me himself I don't believe shit.
Are you growing any other plants? Another plant may be male and possibley have polinated your female. Either way it's now seeded so just let it finish out. No they can't pollenat themselves unless they have male parts or a male is in the area. At the very very end of flowering they may get...
No real reason to put seeds in a cup of water. I usually just put them in wet soil. Then cover the top of the soil with plastic or put a cup over the cup I'm puting the seed in. Within a day the seeds sprout. Also I always put them in a dark place like a cabinet and not under the lights.
I load my plants with chem nutrients. There in organic soil at the moment. I don't feel like ordering shit or driving a long distance for foxfarm. Maybe I should have bought the nutes when I bought the soil. Anyway my plants are doing great so it's all good.
They were probably looking for the axe murderer or something. Why would they search for marijuana at night. I'm never scared of the police and if they want me come get me.
Damn Oregon rippin on us soil growers :) but yea soil does make the plants much smaller than hydro. When I first read this thread I thought you were going to say you were taking a hydro plant and puting it in soil. That would be some cool shit.
WTF you mean you can't wait 4 years? You may as well trash them. Weed doesn't grow on trees. It's an investment and if your not willing to put the time in then why grow. Sorry if I'm being mean but I'm passionate about this plant. Cocaine takes 7 years but the people on cokeitup.org don't cry...
If one plant gets polinated then it's safe to say all of them did. If you have any kind of fan or venting system then you done son. I read that one pollen sack busting open can pollinate an entire crop. Best bet is to hustle that shit like I do and tell those junkies your crack ain't soap.:peace:
Water straight from my tap is like 7.5 on the ph charts which is to high for marijuana. So I put it in a 2 liter soda bottle and within like 4 hours the ph goes down to 6.4. I live in ny so not sure how other places work.